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What is The Daily Citizen? Produced through Focus on the Family,The Daily Citizen provides a faith-based perspective to counter the mainstream media’s anti-Christian bias.

Paul Batura, who serves as Vice President of Communications at Focus on the Family, says the mission of his team of reporters at The Daily Citizen is straightforward: “We want to help Christians analyze the news and current cultural issues through the principles of truth, moral objectivity and inherent, innate natural rights.”

The topics covered at The Daily Citizen can vary, but the team approaches each news cycle with the goal of covering stories relevant to the family. “We concentrate on the core areas that Focus on the Family is interested in: life, religious freedom, marriage and gender issues,” Paul says.

Like all news outlets, The Daily Citizen has a worldview that guides its coverage. What’s different about The Daily Citizen is that the team has no pretense of holding “neutral” positions on the issues.

“God has declared certain things ‘good’ and certain things ‘bad,’ ” Paul explains. “He’s given us clear principles to use in considering current events. And He’s spoken clearly on the subjects of life, marriage, law and government. We cannot remain morally neutral in our reporting.”

Paul says The Daily Citizen team approaches every news event with the goal of articulating those core values.

“Viewing news through this biblical world-view naturally results in writing about marriage, for example, through the lens that one man, one woman marriage is God’s best plan for mankind. Or that abortion is morally wrong. Or that the freedom of religion must be protected. The team at The Daily Citizen remains tireless in pursuit of God’s truth. We’re fiercely curious in search of new stories that our readers need to hear about.”

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