
Empowered to Love: How You Can Lead a Lifestyle of Service

Two men and a woman doing yardwork
As we grow more aware of His love, we are empowered to love others with His love. Our spouse can be the recipient of our love and good works, as well as the one who encourages us to persevere in it.

Discuss this verse as a couple. Focus your conversation on the following questions.

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.”—Hebrews 10:24

  • In what ways have Christlike people shown love to you?
  • When do you feel most weary in doing good?
  • What are some ways I can support you when you’re discouraged about serving others?

The Bible tells us to deliberately stir up
love and good works in one another. This is a reminder to be intentional about developing a
lifestyle that is focused on serving others. How can you and your spouse invigorate and motivate
each other toward an attitude of Christlike service? You can do so by reminding each other of all
the ways God has loved and served you — His sacrifice on the Cross, His long-suffering
kindness and His help in times of need. As we grow more aware of His love for us, we are empowered
to love others with His love. Our spouse can be the recipient of our love and good works, as well as
the one who encourages us to persevere in it.

Ruth Chou Simons is the author and illustrator of Gracelaced:
Discovering timeless truths through seasons of the heart.

Marriage can have its twists and turns, but the detours don’t have to lead you off course. The 12 essential elements outlined in the Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage are biblically based and chart the course for a romantic adventure that will last a lifetime.

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