Identity in Christ: A Gen Z Viewpoint
I struggled to find my identity in Christ, trying to find my identity in materialistic things of the world. I was so consumed with gaining
Learning how to get closer to God is a lifelong journey. For teenagers, growing closer to God depends on their personality, interests, and relationship with God.
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes
Learning how to get closer to God is a lifelong journey. For teenagers, growing closer to God depends on their personality, interests, and relationship with God. Put simply, teens feel close to God in different ways, most especially through their love languages.
For example, those who have physical touch as their love language might naturally raise their hands while singing worship songs. And they will say, “I felt God’s presence.”
Quality-time teens will not likely have that experience. They will most likely feel God’s love as they have their daily devotions and quiet time with God. They might feel closest to God and loved by Him when they read the Bible and talk with God about what they have read.
Words-of-affirmation teens might thrive when they read affirming words in Scripture or hear them in a sermon or from another person. Those whose love language is receiving gifts will feel loved by God when they realize all that God has given them.
Teens get closer to God through understanding and learning to speak their specific love languages—those unique and fundamental ways they experience love.
Each teen has a primary love language—one that will speak more deeply to him or her emotionally, be it words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, quality time or physical touch. We can certainly see God’s love in any of the five love languages since He speaks each language fluently.
So what can you do to help your child feel God’s love through their primary love language?
First, we must discover and understand our teens’ primary love language. With that knowledge, we can better guide them into experiencing God’s love.
To discover your teen’s love language, answer the following questions:
After Jesus’ death and resurrection, when He was returning to the Father, He said: “When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me” (John 15:26).
So, the Holy Spirit is active in the world today, revealing God’s love to us. One of His tools is the Bible, the Word of God, which gives us a record of what Jesus taught and did: “The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14:26).
We cooperate with the Holy Spirit in exposing our children to the things Jesus said and did while He was on earth. When teens reflect on the life of Jesus, the Holy Spirit opens their heart to all the ways that God loves them.
So, tell your teens that God loves us in all five languages, but we feel His love most deeply in our own love language. Then encourage them to read the four Gospel accounts of the life of Christ: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. As they read, have them look for ways that Jesus expressed love.
After reading each chapter, have them answer four questions in writing:
Then ask: “Can you think of an example of how God loves you in the same way?” If your teen doesn’t immediately have an answer, offer an example from your life.
Because we have different love languages, our experience of God’s love may be different from that of other Christians. Teenagers, like adults, may sometimes wonder why they don’t experience God in the same way as other Christians.
Encourage your teen to discover how he or she best receives God’s love. Perhaps it’s through volunteering at a soup kitchen or an animal shelter, sponsoring a disadvantaged child, taking nature walks or any number of different ways God has created for us to experience Him and His love more fully.
But most importantly, as parents we can instill within our children the realization that they don’t have to experience God’s love the same way others do. If they don’t feel God’s love as you or their siblings or kids in their youth group do, that’s OK. God created your teen to love Him in a way that is unique to your teen. And that’s a good thing.
God doesn’t just show His love in the Gospels; He displays His love for us throughout all of Scripture—the Old and New Testaments. Have your teen look up scriptures that demonstrate the ways God speaks your teen’s primary love language. Here are some to get you started.
If your teen’s primary love language is words of affirmation, have him or her look up the following verses so they learn how to get closer to God:
To show His love, God gives good gifts. Here are some examples of how to get closer to God by recognizing His gifts:
God expresses His love by offering acts of service to His people. To learn how to get closer to God, have your teen consider these passages:
For those who delight in receiving quality time, God has all the time in the world for them. Have your teen consider these verses to continue growing closer to God:
Jesus never hesitated to touch those who needed Him. He is the same today. To get closer to God, your teen can reflect on these passages:
Today, those whose primary love language is physical touch will often experience God’s love through a spiritual touch that stimulates emotions, bringing tears or chill bumps. They will sometimes say, God touched me. For them, this is when they most deeply feel loved by God. These teens often raise their hands when singing worship songs.
As we encourage our teens to look up these Bible passages, as well as others, we’re giving them the tools they need to seek and find God’s love the way they most deeply experience it.