When your daughter recognizes that you believe in her, she begins to believe in herself, and has confidence to pursue her dreams.
Everyday Parenting
Help your children understand what it means to be a priceless creation of God, no matter their age or stage.
Does your heart ache when your children are rejected by others? Here’s four perspectives that can help them work through painful rebuffs.
Bullying and cyberbullying may be prevented with intentional parenting. However if it does occur, there are some ways that parents can respond to help their kids cope.
Empower your tween to respond gracefully when confronted by “mean girls” and seek adult help if she finds herself being bullied.
Your kids will feel most secure if they know you have set appropriate boundaries for them that you aren’t afraid to enforce.
Keeping professional records during your homeschooler’s high school years can help them gain admittance to college.
Many adults carry some kind of psychological hurt from their childhood years.
How often have you heard the adage, “Spare the rod; spoil the child?‚”used in conversations about spanking? Keep reading to learn more about the origin of this phrase and its impact on discipline.
By working with our kids, we can keep sibling conflict from escalating and keep peace on the family horizon.