
Mental Health Q&A

person walking away from camera along pathway

How to Find a Residential Treatment Program for Your Child or Teen

How do we find a good residential treatment program for our teen?

Toddler crying on bed near parent's hand

“Night Terrors” and Satanic Strongholds

Could “night terrors” be demonic in origin? I have serious concerns about some of the advice your ministry and certain other Christian organizations are giving on this subject. We’ve confronted this problem in our family. Our son used to wake up screaming and go wandering through the house in the middle of the night. Experience …

teen girl behind glass words love hate sad

Parenting a Bipolar Teen

Do you have any advice for parents who are dealing with the challenge of raising a teenager who struggles with depression and bipolar disorder? We’ve tried everything we can think of to help our daughter, but so far our efforts haven’t had much of an impact. Can you offer us some hope?

Separation Anxiety in Infants

What can we do about a baby who starts screaming uncontrollably the minute we leave the room or put him down for five minutes? Rocking, soothing, noise makers, sleeping with us – nothing seems to help. My wife has been forced to take him to work with her, but she can’t get anything accomplished. What’s the …

man angry critical at teen son

My Spouse Verbally and Emotionally Abuses Our Children

My husband has never physically harmed me or the kids, but he constantly subjects our children to mean-spirited put-downs. For example, he tells them that they’re stupid and lazy. He demeans my son’s athletic abilities. He tells my daughter that she’s ugly and needs to lose weight. The children try to ignore him and put …

child surrounded by junk food pizza chips playing video games

Obesity in Children

Do you have any ideas for helping a pre-teen child who is seriously overweight? He loves food and gets extremely disappointed when we turn down his requests for snacks and treats. He also becomes depressed after several days of healthy eating. How can we reverse this trend?

Dad sitting with son who has head in hands

Parent Afraid to Express Concerns About Possible Teen Suicide

Could talking about suicide have the effect of pushing a teenager in the wrong direction? I have reasons to believe that my son may be struggling with self-destructive thoughts and tendencies. While I think it’s generally important to confront this situation directly, I keep wondering what might happen if I bring up my concerns and …

teen holding sweater neck over face

When and How to Intervene in the Life of Your Teenager

As a parent of teenagers, I understand the importance of distinguishing between what I can and can’t control and granting my kids the freedom they need in order to make their own choices and learn by their own mistakes. Unfortunately, I have reason to believe that my teens are in serious danger of choosing wrong …

young child changing the time on a manual clock

Parenting a Child With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Do you have any advice for handling an elementary school-age child whose life is dominated by, in my opinion, senseless rituals?

couple arguing man his alcohol

Parenting a Teen Who Struggles With Alcoholism

Where can we turn for advice and assistance in dealing with our adolescent son’s drinking problem? Recently things have escalated to the point where I think it would fair to call him a full-blown alcoholic. His behavior is impacting everyone in the family and tearing our household apart. Can you help?

teen boy outside arms folded

Parents Can’t Control Teen’s Use of Marijuana

As parents, how should we respond to a teenager who argues that the recreational use of pot is socially acceptable, that the authorities aren’t concerned about it anymore, and that it’s on the verge of being legalized. We know he’s been using marijuana, but when we confronted him about it he flatly refused to stop. …

three girls in baseball jerseys high five

Preventing Teen Suicide

Are there any fool-proof ways to help an adolescent steer clear of self-destructive thoughts and feelings? Don’t misunderstand – I’m not asking because I sense any immediate danger. My daughter seems fine right now, but after hearing so much in the media about teen suicide I want to do whatever I can to promote positive mental …

teen begging on street

Preventing Teens From Running Away

What should we do if we suspect that our adolescent son is making plans to run away? Is there something we can do to prevent this from happening?

three teen girls making heart symbol with hands by lake

Protecting Your Kids Against Drug Abuse

What can I do to “drug-proof” my home? I’m aware that drug abuse is a huge problem among adolescents, and I want to educate myself about this issue so that I can protect my own kids and prevent them from falling into this trap. How can I make sure that they’re safe?

feet on bathroom scale

Recognizing and Confronting Adolescent Eating Disorders

How can I know if my daughter is anorexic or bulimic? She’s lost a great deal of weight over the past few months, and she’s become extremely thin. What should I do if I find out she has a serious eating disorder?

man's hand writing letter

Recovering Alcoholic Wants Relationship With Children

As a new Christian who is in the process of kicking a lifelong drinking habit, how can I restore my relationship with my children? A number of years ago my struggles with alcoholism finally destroyed my marriage and family. I really regret the mess I’ve made, but I’ve recently found the Lord and am currently …

What are some of the traits seen in people with ADHD?

What are some of the traits seen in children and adults with ADHD?

girl on pier with friend looking sad

Separation Anxiety in Pre-Teen

Is it normal for a pre-adolescent child to become nervous, uneasy, or afraid when mom and dad aren’t around? My daughter doesn’t want me to leave the house without her, and says she misses me when we’re apart. There have been no dramatic changes in our family life during the last few months, so I’m …

child in destroyed area carrying blanket

Talking to Children About Tragic Events

As a parent, how should I deal with my children when mass shootings, natural disasters, and other tragic events involving loss of life occur? Should I do my best to shield them from this information – an almost impossible task in the face of today’s constant news media cycle? Or should I try to talk to …

Talking to Kids About Child Suicide

How do I talk to my elementary grade children about a young boy in our community – grade-school age himself – who recently took his own life? I have a hard time understanding how a child that age has the maturity level to contemplate suicide. I’m not sure how to explain this to my own …