The Thrill of Commitment.
Step 1: Go someplace different for dinner.
Step 2: Pick a date night activity that requires commitment.
- óTackle an activity – dancing, tennis, handball, rowing, or an art project of some kind – that requires mutual commitment and dedication in order to be completed successfully. Replace competition with cooperation and an atmosphere of encouragement.
- Go someplace special where you can privately renew your vows to one another (plan out what you want to say beforehand).
- Watch an action/adventure movie and talk about the role that commitment and dedication played in shaping the plot and creating the excitement of the story.
Step 3: Relax and unwind. Ready to answer a few questions?
- What was your favorite part of the evening?
- What was one thing you learned about me tonight that you didn’t know before?
- How do you think a mutual commitment to see a shared experience through to the end enhances the enjoyment and significance of that experience? How do you think this principle applies to the promises you made to one another during your wedding ceremony or while renewing your vows?
Step 4: Home sweet home. Let’s plan our next date!
- Talk about additional ways you can strengthen your marital covenant and express your lifelong commitment to one another in the coming week.