A practical way to communicate about your finances is to create a “money huddle.” It’s not a budget-planning session; it’s a time to address the emotional side of money.
Communication Struggles
Learning that your teenage daughter is having sex can likely leave you with more questions than answers. Following the initial wave of emotions and panic, you might ask yourself: How did I not know about this? What do I do now?
If we avoid conflict or pretend it doesn’t exist, the greater the problem will become.
As inter-ethnic marriages continue to increase, this trend holds tremendous promise for marriages that can transform differences into assets rather than succumb to them as liabilities.
Healthy conflict can actually take your marriage to deeper levels of intimacy.
Rather than making it our goal to resolve arguments, we must learn how to manage our conflicts.
Conflict doesn’t guarantee intimacy, but it is an open door to discover our spouse’s most important feelings and needs.
When we decide to place high value on our spouse, and then back that up with spoken words, it can do wonders for a relationship.
If cherishing is to be pushed to an even higher level in a couple’s present experience of marriage, it will happen because they find ways not only to keep in touch with the past, but to project the past into the future.
Running a business, just like marriage, requires humility, wisdom, and compromise. Here some key principles to guide you if you and your spouse run a small business together.