A troubled marriage ignites a rush to find an immediate solution, a quick fix to save the marriage. Instead, you must choose to pursue God and wait on Him, not on your spouse or your circumstances.
Marriage is not a competition. Too much conflict in marriage does not create a safe or fun relationship.
Understanding the challenges of stepfamily living can help you make an informed decision about remarriage.
Only one man and one woman existed in the beginning. For that very obvious reason, divorce and remarriage were not options in the divine plan for man.
If you’re struggling with the difficult choice of whether to stay in a less than perfect marriage, the answer you seek feels heartbreakingly complicated. Because it is.
God, the Creator of humanity and of marriage itself, has laid out His plan for marriage as a lifelong union.
A marital affair can be devastating to a family. There is no one easy answer for talking to your kids, as every child and situation is different. If you are facing this situation in your family, here are seven tips for talking to your kids after any sort of marital crisis has occurred.
If your marriage is in trouble, you can cry out to God with these prayers for marriage restoration. Remember that nothing is too hard for God.
While reconciliation is God’s desire for struggling couples, there are all sorts of situations that can bring a marriage to the crisis point — and separation can be an act of love.
Lauren Reitsema experienced divorce first-hand when her parents separated after almost 20 years of marriage. Drawing from her own experience, Lauren will help parents and stepparents uncover common points of grief and loss for children after divorce. And, she’ll offer helpful advice for building a stronger blended family.