
Emotional Affair

A couple holding hands while looking in opposite directions, symbolizing emotional distance and efforts in avoiding an affair.

How to Avoid or End an Affair

Consider the following ways to avoid or end an extramarital affair and learn about the importance of knowing your spouse’s primary needs.

Dancing on the Edge

You think it won’t happen to you, can’t happen to you. You think, There’s no way. Not me! Think again.

An All-Too-Common Affair

Whether you’ve been married for 30 days or 30 years, you’re never really immune to an extramarital affair.

Married couple speaking gently to each other

Recovering From an Affair

Whether you or your spouse recently confessed extramarital affair, we want to help you recover from the affair amid this overwhelming pain.

Are You Micro-Cheating on Your Spouse?

Husbands and wives get to choose where they place their attention. Taking time for a self-evaluation of misplaced affections can be key to continuing to build a healthy marriage relationship. 

You Can Stop Adultery Before It Starts

“Almost before I knew what I was doing, I committed the sin of adultery. My first slight step seemed completely harmless. The next was more deliberate, an exercise in self-indulgence.”

Restoring Your Marriage After Admitting to Infidelity

Maybe you’re thinking, How did I get here? Or maybe you deliberately sought comfort outside your marriage. Here are tips to help you pursue healing in your marriage after being unfaithful to your spouse.

Corrosive Influence of Porn on Wives

One reason pornography is attractive is its capacity for secretive retribution.

A woman checks her smartphone

The Truth About Emotional Affairs

Emotional affairs venture into dangerous territory. They may not lead to physical involvement, but can still devastate marriages.

Man looking at computer in hotel room

Pornography and Virtual Infidelity

In This Series: 1. The Stages of Pornography Addiction 2. Pornography and Virtual Infidelity 3. Pornography Lies 4. Corrosive Influence of Porn on Wives 5. Erosive Influence of Porn Upon Husbands 6. Marital Fidelity in a Social-Media World The photograph was invented in 1839, and in just 11 quick years the word “pornographer‚” was seeded …

Emotional Affairs

Is there anything wrong with having a close friend of the opposite sex after you’re married? While there may be no clear answer, there are compelling reasons to be cautious about opposite-sex friendships outside of your spouse’s company.

Awomanis hold ing a man's hand while drinking coffee.

Maintaining Marital Fidelity

Nobody wakes up one day and suddenly decides to begin an extramarital affair. Likewise, marital fidelity begins long before marriage.