What Is Anxiety? Anxiety is an intense emotional reaction, usually of dread, to a perceived, anticipated or future danger. Clinical anxiety can involve symptoms such as trembling and shaking, restlessness, sleep problems, fatigue, anger and depression. This fall, my oldest daughter starts middle school. In many ways, she’s a confident, talented, and accomplished young lady. …
Middle School
Middle schoolers can be clumsy. Here is a way to help your child through those awkward growth spurts.
Taking responsibility for your children’s education can be the most rewarding decision you will make as a parent.
Are your kids beginning the the middle school years? Learn how to plan ahead and make adjustments to pave the way for a strong transition from elementary to middle school.
Friendships and self-identity will have a profound impact on adolescents and may need guidance from parents.
Help your kids as they change homes and re-establish routines during the school year.
Does your kid have the back to school blues? Discover some tips to help your kids overcome their negative feelings about returning to school.
National Teacher’s Day provides the perfect opportunity for students and their parents to show appreciation, support, and thankfulness to teachers.
The middle grades can be an especially difficult time for any child. But for tweens with autism this time can produce even greater challenges. Learning how to deal with the school environment is key in helping these kids find their place in society and experience success.
Give older middle schoolers what they need, not necessarily what they think they want.
My daughter, Sam, and I were on our own for 12 years. During that time, my girl grew from a little girl to a teenager, and with each passing year, one thing remained consistent: back-to-school chaos.
Your child is changing. Is your parenting?
Help your tween grow into a thoughtful young adult by prioritizing your relationship rather than simply listing rules.
Puberty, mood swings and social tensions will play major roles in an adolescent’s life.