
Non-cash Gifts

Planned giving consultant helps father write his estate plan

Gifts of Life Insurance

Life insurance may be a valuable and convenient way to give to Focus on the Family if you have an excess beyond what you originally planned for. Giving life insurance offers many benefits In most cases, the gift is tax deductible.Is easy to assign a charity as a beneficiaryIt is a confidential and timely gift …

Grandparents discuss their planned giving with a consultant

IRA Charitable Distribution

Leave a Legacy A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is the most tax-efficient gift you can make. Donating from your IRA or another type of retirement asset to a charity can be an extremely smart tax saving plan. Funds in an IRA have never been taxed, and when you donate an asset to a qualified charity …

Daughter and grandfather riding in a tractor

Gifts of Grain

Leave a Legacy If you are a cash-basis farmer, you may be able to deduct the cost of production of the gifted portion of grain and receive a triple tax savings. Benefits of a Grain Gift Reduce federal income taxReduce state income taxReduce self-employment taxHelp further the work and mission of Focus on the Family …

Grandparents discuss their planned giving with a consultant

Gifts of Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds

Leave a Legacy On average, over 90 percent of what God has allowed believers to manage, is NOT cash. Often God has blessed us with unique assets to steward for His glory. And because the government incentivizes charitable giving, there are often tax benefits available for donations of these assets to Focus on the Family. …

Grandfather and granddaughter repairing a car together

Vehicle Donations

Focus on the Family can benefit from gifts of cars, boats and recreational vehicles.The process is simple and convenient. Benefits of Donating a Vehicle You may receive an income tax deductionProceeds from the sale of your vehicle will help further the work and mission of Focus on the Family How to Make a Vehicle Donation …