Have you heard about the other way of writing the word “intimacy”?—”INTO ME, SEE.” There’s a valuable piece of marital wisdom embedded in this clever play on words.
Prioritizing Marriage
What is a marriage? It’s a question well worth pondering.
The parallel between romantic love and God’s relationship with His people is a theme that runs all the way through Scripture, and it has a great deal to teach us about the spiritual dimension of marriage.
What if this year you give your husband a new marriage? Join Erin Smalley as she takes the challenge and commits to living out the Greatest Commandment in her home.
God wants us to have friends. And that can include having opposite-sex friendships. But those friendships should come with boundaries.
When my husband deployed, my world fell apart. But God pieced me — and us — back together, stronger than ever.
These simple steps can make a world of difference in your marriage.
Unspoken communication can be at least as powerful as words.
Learning constructive ways to handle your differences is one of the most important things you can do to protect your marriage. You can decide to take control of your issues.
Challenges, stress and painful trials are going to be part of your life together. The key to a thriving marriage is to learn how to manage the crises that are inevitable.
To overcome unforgiveness, we need to deal with our emotional wounds and let them heal.
Authors Bill and Pam Farrel look back on some of life’s storms that helped them build a lasting, enduring love in their marriage. They offer some tips that will help you do just that.
What does it really take to mentor other couples? Longtime marriage mentors dispel three misconceptions.
While I realize that Noah and I have plenty of mountains and valleys to travel in the years ahead, we’ve experienced growth and victories even in the start of our journey.
Date nights help to maintain a healthy marriage and keep a couple on the same page in their relationship. Make a habit of establishing a weekly date night with your spouse.
Kim and Randy learned to live independently while Randy was traveling for work, but they lost the sense of unity that’s critical for a marriage. Here are tips to fix the troubles caused by travels.
Former NFL coach and his wife, Lauren, share their tips from 40 years of marriage of working together as teammates.
A marriage vow is a special and powerful promise — and we need it for many reasons. If you’re living together but you’re not married yet, consider the power of the vow.
There’s a reason traditional marriage vows have endured for centuries.
Together, you and your spouse can use healthy strategies that will foster peace in relating to your in-laws.