Tim and Katie Nester are currently parenting seven children. Their unique family challenges them to show steadfast love in action every day.
Changes in Family Structure
Dreading the holidays after losing a child is normal.
More and more moms are finding themselves handling all of the responsibility of raising a family. Here’s how you can do more than just survive.
“What is she thinking!”
Caregiving is a season, so it helps to have regular getaways for empathetic listening, caring conversations, essential evaluation, and the ongoing need for flexibility and modifications.
You know who the first person you want to tell is, so here are 20 cute ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant.
Church, when you draw near to a single mother and her children, you’ll begin to understand just what the enemy has tried to rob them of. Hope. Family. Belonging. Faith. Purpose. Peace, Love. Dignity.
College-bound kids and their faith have never been more threatened. Starting college unprepared and alone is a no longer a viable option. As a parent, now you can positively shape your young adult before they leave for college, make sure they are already connected in community long before they arrive. Resources like Every Student Sent, …
Mother’s Day grief affects women in deep and profound ways. If you’re a woman and felt grief around Mother’s Day, you’re not alone.
Becoming an unexpected surrogate parent revealed God’s design for my students. Continue to lean into the roles that God develops for you.
In the midst of empty nest parenting, you can still enjoy the changing seasons as your kids work, move away and start their own family.
Jill Savage offers encouragement and insight to parents facing the challenges that come with reorienting their lives after their children leave home.
Linda Ranson Jacobs, who specializes in ministry to single parent families, offers encouragement, hope, and practical guidance to single moms and dads so that they and their children can thrive.
A last wish, a willing heart, and a little time together have bonded my blended family.
Families who have fostered or adopted a child need the love and support of other families in the community around them. It’s critical to support these foster and adoptive families for the family to succeed and thrive in the faces of these new joys and challenges. Here are 7 ways to support a foster or …
How one couple trusted God when their teenager decided to live with the other parent
My son, Ben, didn’t accept his new dad at first. It was one of our first step-parent problems. Jealousy, pride and stubbornness kept them from bonding.
Divorce is difficult for children. Confusion and hurt can often lead to resentment and emotional separation between kids and parents.
Contrary to what you may think, stepparenting is a two-person task. Learn how both parents can positively shape their stepfamily’s future while also cultivating their present too.