
Kay Wyma

Kay Wills Wyma is an author, blogger, video podcaster and mother of five. She regularly speaks, contributes and is a guest on local, national and international platforms having appeared on the TODAY Show, CNN, The New York Times, Focus on the Family, Hallmark Home & Family, and more. Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, she held positions at the White House, the Staubach Company, and Bank of America. Kay lives in the Dallas area with her husband, Jon, and their family. Check out Kay’s website here. 

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Finding Peace in Your Everyday Life

In one moment, Kay Wyma’s perspective was transformed. She decided to spend the next 30 days focusing on thankfulness, kindness, and mercy. What transpired was more powerful than Kay had ever imagined, and at the end of the “peace project,” her faith and family life were stronger than ever.

How to Serve Others this Christmas

Help your kids get more out of Christmas.

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Practical Advice for Raising Responsible Children

Author Kay Wyma offers advice to parents on training their children for adulthood by teaching them the value of hard work and taking responsibility for their lives.

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What to Do if You’re Feeling Overwhelmed (Part 2 of 2)

Kay Wyma urges us to shift our focus and be overwhelmed by God’s truth instead of our urge to perform. She shares powerful stories illustrating her own family’s struggles with feeling overwhelmed, and reminds us that we can only find our worth and identity in Jesus Christ. (Part 2 of 2)

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What to Do if You’re Feeling Overwhelmed (Part 1 of 2)

Kay Wyma urges us to shift our focus and be overwhelmed by God’s truth instead of our urge to perform. She shares powerful stories illustrating her own family’s struggles with feeling overwhelmed, and reminds us that we can only find our worth and identity in Jesus Christ. (Part 1 of 2)

End Childhood Comparisons and Choose Contentment

Do your kids compare what they have to what others own? Help them beat this comparison game by learning to be thankful for what they have, even when others have more.

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Eradicating the Entitlement Mentality of Our Kids (Part 2 of 2)

Author Kay Wyma encourages parents to counter self-absorption in their children with responsibility, life skills and awareness of those in need. (Part 2 of 2)

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Eradicating the Entitlement Mentality of Our Kids (Part 1 of 2)

Author Kay Wyma encourages parents to counter self-absorption in their children with responsibility, life skills and awareness of those in need. (Part 1 of 2)