Scott Hamilton: We all take our losses. We all take our failures. We put them in a bag and we carry them over our shoulder. And we just … those are our failures and we’re just gonna, we’re just gonna carry them. And it’s so unhealthy to do that because it drags you down and it prevents you from being nimble. It prevents you from being, uh, free. It prevents you from being all those things. But as I stepped into faith, I realized that they’d all been taken away anyway.
End of Preview
John Fuller: Former Olympic gold medal figure skater, Scott Hamilton, sharing about how God was calling him to trust Him with his very life. And, uh, of course, we left off last time with Scott sharing about his spiritual searching. And today, uh, we’re gonna hear how he found his answers in Christ. Welcome to Focus on the Family with Jim Daly. I’m John Fuller.
Jim Daly: John, one of the reasons we’re airing this obviously right now, you got the Summer Olympics going. And I’m just saying, as you watch those young people compete, think of Scott Hamilton’s story. And there’s probably some Olympians right now that you’re gonna watch on TV that are going through struggles personally.
John: Mm-hmm.
Jim: Pray for them as you watch them. Um-
John: Yeah. That’s a good idea.
Jim: You know, these young people, they’re struggling. They think if they can just get to that platform, if they can get gold, it’ll meet every need they ever had. And Scott’s story last time was it didn’t.
John: Mm.
Jim: And we’re gonna talk more about the great accomplishments that he gained in the Winter Olympics through figure skating. But what was going on in his life? His mom died of cancer. Uh, he struggled with health issues as a child. And then he got a break, he won a gold medal after failing over and over again, which is an amazing lesson to learn, to keep trying. And as I said, uh, none of it satisfied him, but God had a plan for his life and in some ways, his journey was just beginning after his worldly success.
John: Mm-hmm.
Jim: And we’re gonna hear so much more about that today. You know, I, I’m sure business people … uh, man, I’ve talked to people in the LGBTQ community, they think if the society just embraces them as being able to marry, it will fill that hole in their heart. It’s not gonna do that ’cause it’s a hole that God has created for us-
John: Mm-hmm.
Jim: … to find him, no matter what our struggle is in this life. One more deal as a business guy, uh, success, whatever it might be, uh, it is not gonna ultimately fill that hole. Only the Lord can fill that with His Son, Jesus.
John: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, we had such a deep, honest conversation with Scott. Uh, this was in front of a group of maybe 100, 125 friends of Focus on the Family, uh, gathered in the Rocky Mountains. And much of the content that you hear today and from last time, uh, is in Scott’s book called Finish First. I’ll encourage you to get a copy of it from us here at Focus on the Family. You’ll find it at Here now is part two of the conversation we had with Scott Hamilton on Focus on the Family with Jim Daly.
Jim: Where did Tracie step into this picture-
Scott: Um-
Jim: … your wife?
Scott: Well, I will tell you that story right now.
Jim: Okay. (laughs)
Scott: So, um-
Jim: So you’re toxic and you-
Scott: I’m toxic.
Jim: … need Tracie.
Scott: You know, I just feel like I, I … there’s something in me that wants to be in a relationship but I know that I’m, I’m just broken and I’m just not, I’m not a good person, right? So, um, on the third anniversary of my diagnosis, (laughs) uh, to the day, I’m in Memphis. And Tony Thomas, Danny Thomas’ son … Stars on Ice was benefiting Target House at St. Jude and so we had all the St. Jude families there. And Tony would come in and Tony and I played a lot of golf together and we’re really good friends. And he had a couple guests coming to the show that night. And I was like, “Oh, Tony’s dating. This is good. All right. I wanna meet, I wanna see his … I wanna meet his date.” So after the show, I go … there’s this w- woman, this young girl standing by the, um, production office. And she was really pretty and I, I went up and I introduced myself. I thought that was Tony’s date, right? And my heart jumped. It like, it … something, like something switched. And I was like, “Oh, that’s weird.” I go, “Huh.”
Jim: (laughs)
Scott: I go, “Well, maybe, maybe I’m supposed to start getting into a relationship now.” All right. I’ll be … I guess I’m supposed to be open to that. So I, I … Tony’s date’s off limits, right? But I’m gonna … so I went back, we’re playing golf with Tony and he’s like on the phone and he’s … on the phone. And it’s like, “Is that the girl from Memphis?” And he said, “Tracie?” And I go, “I don’t know her name.” And he goes, “No, no, no. She’s like … she’s a friend. She’s like a little sister. No, that wasn’t a date at all.” And it’s like, “Really?” And he goes, “Did you like her?” (laughs) And I go, “Yeah, I kind of did.” And he goes, “It’s really funny you ask about her. I think she’s moving to L.A. this week.” So I go to his barbecue and one of my favorite caddies at the golf club, it was this funny guy named Jimmy. Jimmy goes, “Hey, my cousin was supposed to come tonight, made other plans.” I go, “Who’s your cousin?” He goes, “Tracie.” I go, “Wait, Tracie’s your cousin?” “Yeah, our mothers are sisters.” I go, “Um, can … d- do you have her number?” And he goes, “I do.” And I go, ” Can I have it?” And he goes, “Yes, you can.” So three weeks later, we went out on our first date and we’ve been together 24 years.
Jim: That’s awesome. Yeah.
Scott: Yeah. But in that-
Jim: Yeah. Good man.
Scott: So here’s, here’s the most important part.
Jim: Yes.
Scott: We’re dating. I’m like goofy, toxic, damaged, weird guy. And she’s light and beauty and fun and, and solid. And, and we’re dating for a few weeks and she goes, “Um, I have to talk to you about something.” And I go, “Okay.” And she goes, “I, I, um, I like, I like us. I really like us a lot and I think, I think this is going really well.” And I go, “I agree.” And she goes, “I don’t wanna date anyone else. I don’t wanna do that.” I go, “That’s f- … uh, neither do I.” And she goes, “I just have to ask you a question.” And I go, “You can ask me anything.” And she goes, “Where are you in your relationship with Jesus?” And I hesitated and I said, “Where do you want me to be?” (laughs) Smart guy.
Jim: Yeah.
Scott: No.
Audience: (laughs)
Scott: She goes, “Where are you?” And I go, “Honestly, I, I don’t know. I, I believe in God. I know s- I know the name Jesus. I don’t know enough about Him to have a relationship with Him.” And she said, “Well, would you meet with my pastor?” And I said, “Bring it, now. Sooner the better. Like I’m, I’m, I’m on fire to do this now.” So I met, um, the pastor of, of, uh, University Church of Christ at, at Pepperdine, where we started going to church. And he basically took me under his wing and he got me to understand who I am in Jesus and who Jesus is in me. And, and he just … the first six weeks, I’ll never forget it. The first six weeks I went to church were the (laughs) the, uh … a study of the Prodigal Son. (laughs)
Jim: Good place to start.
Scott: (laughs) It was like-
Jim: Let’s start with that one.
Scott: No. But it was like, “Okay. I, I, I’m not too far gone. I can be in this family. I can be in this community. I can have a relationship with Jesus. I have, I haven’t blown it so bad.” And basically, it’s like, no, you, you, you can’t blow it too bad, as long as you seek Him and, and love Him and want a relationship with Him. He, he went to the cross for you. He’s taken away all of your sins. Don’t diminish the work of the cross, accept it freely. And so the day I got baptized, uh, we were in the faculty hot tub at Pepperdine.
Audience: (laughs)
Scott: And it was a rainy, cold day. And I came outta the water and life just felt completely new.
Jim: Huh.
Scott: And, um, Tracie was there with our son, Aidan, ’cause we had gotten married at that point. I wanted to do baptism and I wanted to know enough to do it perfectly right. And, um, Aidan’s sitting there and he’s just a baby and they’re gonna … I’m going back to the house to watch football and they’re gonna go out to lunch. And, and she comes up to me, she goes, “How do you feel?” And I said, “Lighter.”
Jim: Hm.
Scott: ‘Cause I wasn’t carrying all that stupid stuff around with me anymore.
Jim: So it made that impact on you?
Scott: Mm-hmm.
Jim: Committing your life to the Lord?
Scott: Yeah.
Jim: When you synthesize all of that, you think of the gold medals, the achievements without Him.
Scott: Yeah. They offend me.
Jim: What does that mean?
Scott: That means that when I, when I got my gold medal, I came back to Denver to a parade, but nothing like mental health. They gave me a parade and it’s cheerleaders and it’s firetrucks and it’s, um, Larimer Square being full capacity with all these people. I trained in isolation and I come back to being this person that everybody knows. And it was really bizarre. And the Governor of the State of Colorado, um, Governor Lamm invited me to come into his office and I, I was happy to do it. So I got my jacket and tie and thought it was a political photo op. That’s what I thought at first. And I walk into his office and, um, the gentleman that was in there left and shut the door behind him. And he said, “You seem like a nice young man.” I go, “Thank you.” And he goes, “Have you ever heard of the hometown hero syndrome?” And I go, “No.” And he goes, “That’s when the quarterback of the high school football team throws the bomb at the end of the game and they win the state championship and he’s carried off the field on their shoulders. And he thinks his whole life is gonna be that way and it’s not.” He goes, “I just really feel like you’re a good person and I don’t want this accomplishment to destroy the rest of your life. Enjoy the fruits of your labor, but there will be a day when there are no more parades, when there are no more-”
Jim: Wow, what a wise word.
Scott: It was so … such a gift, because two nights later, I’m asked to speak at the paralympic banquet. All the athletes that competed after us in Sarajevo are coming back and I walk into this room, you know, studly, I’m the Olympic gold medalist, right? And every one of those athletes had the same medal I did, except they didn’t have legs or vision or countless maladies. It’s like w- what I did was nothing. What they did was heroic, because they’re inspiring people to get up and to get out and, and to make the most of their lives. And I, I just, I just felt so unworthy of speaking at that banquet. I just thanked them and I just congratulated them. And it was like, uh … so my Olympic gold medal lived in a brown paper bag in my underwear drawer for eight years.
Audience: (laughs)
Scott: The bottom of my underwear drawer.
Jim: I don’t know where to go with that.
Scott: I know, exactly.
Jim: (laughs)
Scott: I normally would say my sock drawer, but we’re family now, right?
Jim: Yeah, we know each other. There we go.
Scott: So and it wasn’t until I, I was elected into the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame that, um, they said, “Is there anything you wanna put on display?” And I go, “Everything.” They go, “What do you mean?” “C- will you take everything?” “What do you …” “E- every, uh, everything, everything. “Like your medal?” “Everything. Will you take everything?” And they go, “Uh, sure.” I g- so I gave them everything my, from my very first medal I won in 1968, second in the sub pre-juvenile men. (laughs)
Jim: Pre-juvenile.
Scott: Yeah. (laughs) So all that-
Jim: (laughs)
Scott: So all of everything, they took everything because it was just … and I realized when I, I star- really dedicated myself to having a relationship with the Lord, that they’re all idols. They’re all idols. And it’s funny because, you know, listening to, um, Family Matters, you know, I just like … Joyce Meyer, you know, I was listening to her one day and it, it just hit me like a ton of bricks. She goes, “Yeah, when you, (laughs) when you go by a junkyard, just stop and just look over the fence.” And it’s like, “Yeah, what’s, what over there?” “You know, what’s on the other side of that fence is some … every single thing there is something that somebody would’ve sold their soul to own. And now, it’s garbage.”
Jim: Wow.
Scott: And I thought about that and it’s like now look at everything you own, how do you feel about it now? Because it’s all garbage. And it was there … it’s just, it’s liberating, you know? It’s like, it’s like I got a long way to go. Like I, I’m a work in progress, but it’s like all those things, all those accomplishments, unless, unless I’m able to leverage them into something else that’s going to impact the community or do something other than just be, it’s worthless.
Jim: Well, and what you have expressed tonight, I mean, you hit the highest level and yet, talking about your cancer, your mom, these sound like the things that are most important to you in terms of the everyday thing that-
Scott: Mm-hmm.
Jim: … people encounter and-
Scott: And it’s a-
Jim: … overcome.
Scott: And it’s the adventure, it’s like the next. You know, it’s funny, there’s this friend of mine, his name is Dean Sikes and … do you know Dean?
Jim: No.
Scott: You gotta have Dean on your show.
Jim: (laughs)
Scott: Dean’s a rockstar. All Dean does is talk to high school kids. And, um, I was talking to him and I go, “Every now and then I’m just haunted by my past.” And he goes, “We’re going this way.” He put his two fingers straight out in front of me. He goes, “We’re going this way and I heard it said there’s no future in the past.” And it’s like, yeah, I can let go all that stuff. I don’t have to feel guilty for the way I used to live. I don’t have to … any of those things. I can step into a relationship with, uh, a living, loving God who loves me more than I’ll ever be able to truly understand and has given me everything, everything including His Son. He sacrificed His Son for me. And every now and then, you know, you just feel this well of, of just goodness and you just feel like, “Is that the Holy Spirit?”
Jim: You sound like the rich man who did give it all up-
Scott: (laughs)
Jim: … to follow Jesus.
Scott: I got a long way to go.
Jim: No. I mean-
Scott: Yeah.
Jim: … seriously though. I mean, as I listen to the threads of what you’re talking about, we do have a number of young people watching right here and listening. That pursuit of greatness of a gold medal or more than one, um, it’s not really where it’s at.
Scott: It’s not where it’s at because it’s not … and it’s like we, we started this, what we call 40 weeks and 40 years. And it, and this is part of it, like you, you and I, us, talking here. You know, 40 years ago, something happened. So we can look at upon that is, is 40 years ago, um, an Olympic gold medal happened, right? So is that what we’re celebrating? No. W- what, what I really wanna focus on is what has happened over the last 40 years and what we can do with those moments to leverage them into something greater, something better, something where, yeah, there’s ways of … like I, I worked really hard. I toured for 20 years. I thought if I toured for two, I was fooling people. I toured for 20 and it was unbelievable. I got so tired I couldn’t even tour at the end. And it was remarkable but it’s in that I realized that it w- it wasn’t about that. It was about sharing those moments with my cast, like Kristi and, and, um, and Paul and Kurt and Torvill and Dean and, and Katia and Sergei and all these … my family, my, my Stars on Ice family. It was these shared moments and these experiences. And then when Tracie and I started our family, you know, it, it was … like the day Aidan was born, um, I looked into flesh of my own flesh for the very first time in my life. I’d never seen flesh of my own flesh before. And I looked … I was looking into my eyes. And it was just like this is it, this is the stuff. And one thing makes the next thing possible and that thing makes the next thing possible. So when my mom died, you know, some of the greatest notches, you know, um, you can look at are, are I survived this, I survived that, I survived this thing. And you know, I’ve, I’ve lost the person in this world that I loved the most at a time when I needed her most, you know, survived illness, failure, ridicule, you know, just everything, cancer, three brain tumors. Um, and I, and I look at all of that and it’s kind of like, it’s fortifying. And so in all of this, it’s like the more stress wood you take on in our lives and the more y- root system you have-
Jim: Stronger you are.
Scott: … the stronger you are. And again, I, I joked about it earlier, but it’s … I’ve fallen minimum 41,600 times. But it’s not about that, it’s not like this … it’s getting up 41,600 times. When you get up 41,600 times, those falls take on less and less meaning.
John: This is Focus on the Family with Jim Daly. And today, we have the pleasure of hearing a, a conversation with Olympian, Scott Hamilton. Uh, what an incredible testimony he has, of reaching heights, of earning gold medals, winning gold medals and then the lows of dealing with cancer treatments. And, uh, some really great life advice from Scott today. We have more in just a moment, but let me say that his book Finish First really captures his whole life story so well. It’s a, a tremendously well written book and we’d encourage you to get a copy. We have details at Let’s go ahead and continue the conversation now. Scott Hamilton and Jim Daly.
Jim: Well, I think your whole life what it demonstrates is that sense of hope.
Scott: Yes.
Jim: You … even before you knew the Lord, you had-
Scott: I haven’t given up yet.
Jim: Yeah.
Scott: (laughs)
Jim: (laughs) Yeah. But hope is part of who you are and that’s-
Scott: Well, I think-
Jim: … a character of God.
Scott: Yeah. I met this little boy, um, a long time ago and he was this expert on presidents, like a … and he … and I go, “Who was your favorite president?” And he goes, “John F. Kennedy.” He was like eight. And I go, “Really, why?” “He gave the people hope.” And I go, “Is there anything greater than hope?” And he said, “Love.”
Jim: (laughs)
Scott: (laughs) That’ll preach. Um-
Audience: (laughs)
Jim: How old was this kid?
Scott: Like eight.
Jim: Eight?
Scott: It was like he’s a genius. He could sing every president. I can’t even … I can name six, I don’t know. Um, but it’s crazy how we get so consumed, you know, by the world and everything wrong happening in it. And the world is now more connected and we’re more disconnected than we’ve ever been. And we’re divided because we have to side with this or side with that. And it’s, and it’s like no, no, no. We’re children of God and we have to step into that relationship with not only confidence but with a, a humble desire to serve others. I, I was standing behind a woman one time and she was wearing a bandana because she lost her hair to chemotherapy.
Jim: Mm-hmm.
Scott: She was buying her groceries. And I, I just said, “You know, this woman is brave. And she deserves someone to just acknowledge her bravery.” And so she put her credit card and I go, “Allow me.” And she goes, “Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. I could never.” I go, “I’m a cancer survivor.” She goes, “Okay.” (laughs) And so she let me buy her groceries. And this is where I love your ministry and this is where you, you’re trying to reach people where they are and you’re trying to hit them from every side. I mean, the authors and the speakers and the, and the thought leaders and the people that have done this show, I, I … this is the worst day this show has ever had, let’s be honest.
Jim: (laughs)
Scott: No, but I’m just saying that it’s like you pour into people, right?
Jim: Amen.
Scott: And hope is, is in short commodity these days. Because we’re all looking at someone else to tell us we’re gonna be okay or that we’re happy when we have everything we need to know that we’re gonna be okay and that we should be happy in this time, at least content. Because we have a living, loving God who has given us everything we need. And Jesus, oh my goodness, has there e- has there ever been anything more beautiful than Jesus and everything he left behind for us and everything he does for us on a daily basis, advocating for us to the Father. And the Holy Spirit and just those times when you didn’t … you couldn’t understand why something happened. You know, it’s like where did that come from?
Jim: Well, and again, for a man who’s achieved it all really, the highest high, and to come back and say it’s really about the Lord.
Scott: It’s about the Lord and it’s about serving others.
Jim: Amen. Well, listen, Scott Hamilton, this has been great. Just hearing your story, it’s been very easy to sit and just hear what the Lord has done in your life and-
Scott: Well, it’s been an-
Jim: … all those other-
Scott: … an honor-
Jim: … things.
Scott: … and a thrill. And if people wanna join us, you know, to change cancer forever, um-
Jim: Jump on board.
Jim: And then-
Scott: Come join us.
Jim: … just that last little bit on the update where you’re at with your own battle with cancer. You mentioned it briefly, but just set that record straight. What’s-
Scott: Yeah.
Jim: … happening for you?
Scott: So, um, brain tumor number one, um, they had to go in to diagnosis it. They put a whole in my head and they biopsied it. And, um, they found out what kind of brain tumor it was. It’s called a craniopharyngioma. I know you all know what that is. Craniopharyngiomas are usually detected early in a child’s life due to a lack of growth and development.
Jim: Mm.
Scott: I was born with a brain tumor. Yeah.
Jim: Just been sitting there.
Scott: Just sat there while I was, while I was skating, it just sat there. For all those years I didn’t grow, it was doing its mischief ’cause it inhibits growth and development.
Jim: Mm. Mm-hmm.
Scott: So then brain tumor, it comes back six years later and they’re giving me a surgical option and a medical option. And all I heard in the back of my mind, that voice, that sometimes … it’s not a voice, but it’s just this overwhelming conviction of just get strong, get strong. And I was like, “Well, I don’t, I … what? Wait, I, I don’t understand.” So they do, “Do you wanna do surgery or do you wanna look at the medical option?” I go, “I’m gonna go home and get strong.” And they go, (laughs) “What does that, what does that mean?” I go, (laughs) “I have no idea.”
Audience: (laughs)
Scott: I, I … so I went home and I go is it physical, like am I supposed to get in shape or am I supposed to be like emotionally stronger and more … am I supposed to be intellectually stronger, be more interested in stuff. Am I supposed to be spiritually stronger? Am I supposed to be more in the Word? Am I supposed to be more … w- and so I did what I did in high school. Again, I negotiated my diploma. I chose E, all of the above.
Jim: All of the above. (laughs)
Scott: (laughs) And in that, um, I went back for a scan and they go, “Good news today.” “What?” “Didn’t grow.” “Wow. Cool.” Three months later, I go back. “Good news today.” “Didn’t grow?” “No, it shrank 45%.” “Can you explain that?” And the surgeon chuckled and he goes, “God.” I said, “Good enough for me.” Then I went back three months later and they, “Good news today, shrunk another 25%.” Go back again, six months later now because it’s … “It grew.” “Okay.” Go back again, “Grew.” “Okay.” Go back again, “It shrunk.” “Okay.” And then I go, “You know what … I heard Tony Robbins talk about his brain tumor which caused him to grow uncontrollably, you know, the acromegaly thing.
Jim: Yeah.
Scott: And he goes, “I, I heard about it 38 years ago, I’m, I, I don’t care. I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna give it the time of day.” It’s like, I feel like I can do that now. So for the last eight years, I just haven’t done anything. So I don’t think about it, but when they wanted me to talk about my health history, I brought it up and now everybody thinks I’m … I’ve got another brain tumor. Ah.
Jim: Yeah, let it go.
Audience: (laughs)
Scott: But you know, but the thing is, is it’s like yeah, you don’t, you don’t want, want anybody to be nervous. But when people reach out, it’s like people are good and they’re compassionate and they care about other people. And that’s what we do best. I really do feel like-
Jim: That’s the best of us.
Scott: That is the best of us, but we do it-
Jim: Yeah.
Scott: … really well. And we all have the capacity to do that, you know? If you see a bald lady in a grocery store, buy her groceries. It’s treasure in Heaven, you know? It’s, it … there’s a lot of things and we all mess up. I’ve messed up. As, like Paul said, “I’m the worst of all sinners. You know, but grace and mercy abound.”
Jim: Grace and mercy.
Scott: Wow. God is so good.
Jim: He is good. Well, listen, Scott, this has been terrific. Uh, man, your life is a, is a, is a book.
Scott: Oh.
Jim: (laughs)
Scott: No, it’s been a real blessing. You guys are so-
Jim: Yeah, this is so good.
Scott: … amazing. And God bless you and your ministry and, and Focus on the Family-
Jim: Well, thanks.
Scott: … the work you do and all of you here for supporting this ministry. Um, it’s beautiful and remarkable and, and, and you, uh, you know, you … I always say my f- one of my favorite lines is the greatest gifts are given to those who may not ever know it’s origin.
Jim: That’s beautiful.
Scott: And what you put out there is really remarkable and what you guys make happen is miraculous. And-
Jim: Well, we can just extend that to the whole audience.
Scott: Yes.
Jim: The listenership and everybody that supports-
Scott: Give yourselves a hand.
Jim: (laughs)
Scott: Come on.
Jim: There we go.
Scott: Let’s go.
John: (laughs)
Jim: There’s a little bit of energy. (laughs)
John: Well, that was a little bit of a twist there at the end of that conversation-
Jim: I about jumped outta my-
John: … wasn’t it?
Jim: … seat here. (laughs)
John: (laughs) Yes. He was such a commanding figure. What a great guy, what a wonderful conversation with Scott Hamilton on Focus on the Family with Jim Daly.
Jim: You know, I, I … you can tell right there, Scott is a big fan of Focus on the Family and we so appreciate him sharing that. I really didn’t know the depth of his Christian commitment. I had heard about it, but I wasn’t sure. But certainly, when you talk with him, it’s right upfront and all that God has done, uh, through his life is amazing. You know, the Christian journey, it’s not an easy one. And certainly, Scott’s story, uh, demonstrates that. But Scott’s story also demonstrates as you stick with the Lord and you aim to bless others and do all you can to love Him, boy, the Lord just, you know, returns that in so many different ways. We’ve heard something of a kind of a David and Goliath story. And hopefully, you’ll take courage from this conversation and be able to face your own giants. Uh, you can apply what he is talking about in your own life. That’s what-
John: Mm-hmm.
Jim: … I love about a testimony. I think of the scripture in Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose.” Uh, that’s what He did for Scott and that’s what He will do for you. Uh, learn more of Scott’s inspiring story, get a hold of us, make a gift of any amount and we’ll send you a copy of Finish First as our way of saying thank you for being part of the ministry. And it’ll bless you, it’ll give you some perspective on your own difficulties. And that’s a win-win.
John: Yeah. Call today to request that book and make a generous donation as you can. Our number is 800, the letter A and the word FAMILY. 800-232-6459. Or you can donate and request the book at Well, thanks for listening to Focus on the Family with Jim Daly. I’m John Fuller inviting you back as we once again help you and your family thrive in Christ.