
Wants Referral to Local PRC

I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do. Can you direct me to a local Pregnancy Resource Center or some other source of help?

Yes. But first we’d like to encourage you to sit down with someone you trust – your pastor, your parents, or a good friend – and share your concerns and anxieties with them. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone in this situation. Before you do anything else, then, start building a support network that can help you walk through the decisions and challenges that lie ahead. You’re in a difficult situation, but help is available.

For referrals to local Pregnancy Resource Centers, we suggest you
visit the OptionLine website. This site offers a great deal of useful information about issues related to unplanned pregnancy, including a section entitled “Find a Center.” You can also find a list of PRCs by looking under “Abortion Alternatives” in the yellow pages of your phone directory. We think you’ll find that the women who staff these centers are caring, compassionate, non-judgmental, and in an excellent position to provide additional counsel.

We also want to remind you of the value of the precious life you’re carrying in your womb. You need to keep this in mind as you try to determine what is in the best interest of you and your baby. When thinking about such important life decisions, e it can be helpful to talk through the various options with an objective third party. If you’d like to speak personally with one of our counselors, give us a call. One of our licensed professionals would be more than happy to discuss your questions with you over the phone.

Above all, it’s crucial that you resist the temptation to panic. This is primarily a question of two precious human lives: your baby’s and your own. There’s too much at stake to be jumping to hasty conclusions. So slow down and take a deep breath. Remind yourself that you have all the time you need to sift through your options and do what needs to be done. Most importantly, remember that God loves you with an incomprehensible love and cares deeply about the life of your child.

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The Dignity and Sanctity of Every Human Life

I’m Pregnant. Now What?

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