
Malaria Prevention


A blog post about malaria prevention.

“We came upon a grave on a hillside of a man – a father, a husband, a friend, a son – prematurely taken from his family because of malaria. Malaria, a disease preventable with as little as a mosquito net and an elementary health education.  As we spoke with his family, we could see the lack of hope and joy on their faces.”

What causes you to lose your hope and joy?  In some cases, it may be something serious like injury or illness.  But in others it’s because the restaurant is out of the meal we want or our brand new car got a scratch. But imagine living with a constant fear of contracting Malaria, a disease that can be avoided with simple medication or even a mosquito net.  For too many people, that’s their reality.  Let’s pray for those ministries actively working in areas to spread education and mosquito nets to prevent the spread of malaria.

Visit the Compassion blog to read more about preventing malaria.

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