
End of Life

Image of older person leaning against younger person contemplating what hospice does not tell you.

What Does Hospice Not Tell You

What hospice won’t tell you about losing a loved one.

Elderly hands holding each other when dealing with death and end of life. Bible verses to encourage

Bible Verses About Death and End of Life

Knowing Bible verses about death and pain, as well as how we should respond to each, can help us better serve those facing end of life hardships.

Hospice Home Care

Hospice Home Care: What You Need to Know

If you ask me what kind of car my brother has, I’d say, “Hmmm…it’s blue.” If you ask my dad, he’d smile with joy and say, “It’s a 1969 Dodge Super Bee with a 440 engine.” What does that have to do with hospice home care? I think that there are a lot of people …

How to Deal with Dementia in a Parent Cover

How to Deal with Dementia in a Parent

When I first learned how to deal with dementia in a parent, it came alongside one of the funniest conversations I have had with my mom. We were discussing Christian authors. I listed some of my favorite writers, including Henri Nouwen, Phillip Keller, and Max Lucado. When I said, “Max Lucado,” my mom looked at …

Dr. Cottle sits surrounded by sad line art, urging people not to be afraid to learn what to say when someone is dying.

What To Say to Someone Who Is Dying

We may never feel fully equipped to handle death, even as believers looking forward to our heavenly destination. However, like any other challenge, the end of life can be a beautiful, healing experience when entrusted to God.

Promotional image for Focus on the Family broadcast A Godly Perspective on End-of-Life Decisions

A Godly Perspective on End-of-Life Decisions (Part 2 of 2)

Dr. Kathryn Butler, an experienced trauma surgeon, helps families navigate end-of-life decisions according to Biblical principles. (Part 2 of 2)

Promotional image for Focus on the Family broadcast A Godly Perspective on End-of-Life Decisions

A Godly Perspective on End-of-Life Decisions (Part 1 of 2)

Dr. Kathryn Butler, an experienced trauma surgeon, helps families navigate end-of-life decisions according to Biblical principles. (Part 1 of 2)

Facing Dementia in Loved Ones

Dementia strikes without regard for physical health or prior intelligence. This often creates fear and anxiety.

A young girl sits with her grandmother, trying to help herself in understanding dementia.

Understanding Dementia

Caregivers and friends of those with dementia have a responsibility to educate themselves on this condition.

Joyful adult daughter greeting her happy, senior mother who's in a wheelchair

Mother’s Day – Sacred Space and Profound Place

Through the years, I have come to understand that Mother’s Day, oftentimes, encompasses a myriad of emotions. The dichotomy of immense joy coupled with unbelievable sadness and grief. It is a sacred space where mere words struggle to fill the void and can serve as a reminder of unfathomable anguish and represent immeasurable heartache. For …

two young hands hold the older hand of someone in a wheelchair

Caring for Aging Loved Ones Is About Showing Up

My caregiving season was unspeakably hard, but so worth it. I’m a changed person. I have memories with Mom I’ll never forget. I learned lessons I would not have learned otherwise. I have no regrets.

Joni in a classroom pointing to Acts 4:12 that is inscribed in a desk top

When Is It Right to Die: Kim’s Story

Whenever I struggle with end-of-life questions – whenever it feels like my disabilities are too much to handle – I think of a young woman named Kim.

Hospice and Palliative Care: Ministry to the Dying

Fear and dread about dying are widespread, even among Christians. Hospice is a port in the storm at the end of life.

Close up of a sad mom looking into camera with her adult daughter standing beside looking at her

Caregiving Isn’t for Sissies

Caregiving – whether for the elderly, ill or someone with special needs – is a largely thankless job. Don’t try to handle it alone.

A caregiver bringing a basket of groceries to an elderly woman

Four Ways to Care for Caregivers

Caregivers are like anyone else: We hate asking for help or encouragement. But we really need it.

A grandfather with his family

Caring for Aging Loved Ones is a Community Project

Whether you give time, resources or acts of service, give it knowing that you are breathing life into someone who may be barely hanging on.

Discussing a Loved One’s Terminal Diagnosis

How do you open a discussion with parents about a terminal diagnosis? Begin with preparation and prayer.

Approaching End-of-Life Discussions With Aging Parents

Many adult children find themselves facing tough decisions — and tough discussions — as they witness signs of their parents’ health failing.

Clipboard holding paper for the department of health

Taking Control of End-of-Life Care

End-of-life medical care is complicated and sometimes murky, often requiring quick decisions on matters of life and death. Having a plan in place can make all the difference.

The Problem with Ending It All: A Response to Physician-Assisted Suicide

Physician-assisted suicide is dangerous sign of the times, as doctors move from their longstanding oath of doing patients no harm to actually facilitating their death.