“So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?” The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. So God said to him, “Since you have asked for this and not for long life …
Sometimes it’s hard to know if you’re disciplining your children effectively. Try using these five measures from the Bible.
How often have you heard the adage, “Spare the rod; spoil the child?‚”used in conversations about spanking? Keep reading to learn more about the origin of this phrase and its impact on discipline.
In disciplining kids, ever feel like someone might be about to pop out with a video camera?
Isn’t it interesting that out of all the disciples only one of them asked Jesus to teach them to pray? It sometimes seems the church is in a similar situation today regarding prayer. We talk about prayer, we study prayer, we say our prayers, but how many of us actually seek earnestly for God to …
As a result of the reality of God’s omnipresence, we are assured that no matter where we are, God will hear our prayers—even from the belly of a fish.
Helping your children deal with their anger can seem impossible when emotions run high. But you can train your kids to recognize triggers and replace them with truths that will help them get out of their angry cycle.
Having a wild child can bring the eyes of judgment in every aisle of the grocery store. More discipline is not always the best answer. Explore how love, respect, grace, and forgiveness can equip you as you respond to your wild child.
This discipline method is less exhausting and more successful than ranting, raving, blaming, pleading, begging or threatening.
These simple ways of disciplining your children enables other adults to see past your children’s behavior and enrich their lives.