
Empty Nesters

A man and a woman are in a tense moment, displaying signs of holiday stress. The man sits with arms crossed, looking frustrated, while the woman stands behind him, also with arms crossed and an upset expression. A decorated Christmas tree with ornaments and tinsel is visible in the background, highlighting the holiday season amid the tension.

How To Avoid Holiday Stress This Christmas

Holiday stress can turn couples away from each other, so plan now to avoid the stressors and be more connected this season.

A mature woman says goodbye to her adult daughter at the door of her house. Here is some information on empty nest syndrome and our relationship with God.

Empty Nest Syndrome and Our Relationship with God

An empty nest can leave parents feeling empty and without purpose. But it can also offer a time of hope and a chance to strengthen your relationship with God.

Three empty nester friends enjoying their tea together

Discovering Hope and Faith in the Empty Nest

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Psalm 127:4

A mature, empty nest couple sit on a couch and look adoringly into each other's eyes.

Keeping a Full Marriage During Empty-Nest Years

With every major life change, couples have to re-invent their relationship. The empty-nest season can usher in emotionally charged situations and major lifestyle adjustments.

Middle-aged couple on a date. The lean on a car in an open field. They have a picnic basket, blanket, and a small dog

Use Your Time Wisely When You Become Empty Nesters

Many options are open to couples whose kids have moved out. Here are some tips on how to use time wisely during the empty-nest years.

Older couple dancing in living room learning how to live empty nest now the kids are grown

Just the Two of You: Now that the Kids Are Grown

The empty nest years don’t have to be filled with longing for the good ol’ days with the kids. By adding some effort, the two of you can thrive together.

two empty nesters posing for a selfie on the beach

Live Well as an Empty Nester

Ready or not, that fateful day always comes.

empty nest parenting and changing seasons

Empty Nest Parenting and Changing Seasons

In the midst of empty nest parenting, you can still enjoy the changing seasons as your kids work, move away and start their own family.

Adoption in the Empty-Nest Years

Cal and Terrie Morrow thought they were done raising children — until they met Abbey.

When They Leave Home

When They Leave Home

When it is time for your child to leave home, goodbyes are never easy.

Coming Out of “Parenting Retirement”

Your son or daughter may have left home, but don’t forget that once a parent, always a parent.

Story: Leaving for College

Letting go wasn’t easy for Phil and Cheri Straw. It became even harder when their college-bound daughter changed career plans.

Thriving in Your Second Half of Life

Feeling overwhelmed by your new parenting role? Sifting through your mixed emotions might reveal some practical answers.

Getting Positive About Midlife Changes

Our culture may worship youth and beauty, but the Bible reminds us that physical beauty is not what matters. Women in midlife can reject negativity and learn to make peace with the aging process