Learn how to strengthen your marriage and love your husband by building a good relationship with your mother-in-law.
What questions should you ask a young man who wants to marry your daughter?
Healthy in-law relationships contribute to the success of marriage.
Together, you and your spouse can use healthy strategies that will foster peace in relating to your in-laws.
Relating to controlling in-laws is one of the trickiest problems a marriage can face. If you believe your in-laws are trying to run your life, the following principles might help.
Many couples wait until they are so frustrated with their in-laws that they lash out with harsh and condemning words and fracture the relationship. But when we speak with respect, we are likely to get respect.
As a couple, decide on your boundary lines. How can you respect one another when issues arise and you don’t agree?
There’s an old saying about marriage, “you don’t just marry your spouse, you marry the person’s family.” If we’re honest, sometimes learning to get along with in-laws is a big adjustment. John, Erin and Greg share about staying committed while trying to get along with your spouse’s family. Featuring Mrs. Melanie Shankle.
This young couple embraced their first Christmas season together with a sense of adventure. They chose to experience three celebrations.
Living with in-laws can strongly affect your relationship with your spouse, either positively or negatively.
The relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can be painful, but it doesn’t have to be. The issue often is a lack of trust. This article offers five practical tips for building trust.
When pressure to have the perfect holiday builds relationship tension, we need to change our unrealistic expectations. Then we can better appreciate the time spent connecting with family members.
There is no formula for settling Christmas conflicts because they’re highly emotional interactions with the people we care about the most. But knowing what some other couples have done can help.
Couples often have unspoken expectations about the Christmas season — and that’s where the problems begin. Unfortunately, each person might think his or her way of celebrating the holidays is “right.”
By building a good relationship with your husband’s mom, you can show your husband that you love him. Here are some ways you can reach out to your mother-in-law and create a peaceful family bond.
The Robertson family has built a multimillion-dollar empire on its duck calls, but they’ve left no doubt that the family’s foundation is built on faith — and good food shared at family mealtimes.
Visits from extended family members can add to the joy — and stress — of the season. Talk with your spouse before guests arrive to compare expectations and plan ways to support each other as a couple.
There are no specific right and wrong ways for families to spend the holidays together, but there could be better ways.
These steps will help you deal with those sticky in-law situations.