

little girl on her daddy's shoulders smiling at her mom

Loneliness Ends Where The Blessing Begins

The Blessing is something you can choose to give and live out in your home. It is a “choice” parents make to use five distinct elements to impact a child’s life. Each one is way to help a child understand their incredible worth to you, and to their God.

A woman holds a cupcake with a lit candle while video chatting with her husband, symbolizing the challenges and intimacy of a long-distance marriage.

15 Ways To Make a Long-Distance Marriage Thrive

When my husband deployed, my world fell apart. But God pieced me — and us — back together, stronger than ever.

A couple sitting across from each other hold hands, in support of each other. Be on the lookout for warning signs of mental health issues.

Warning Signs that Your Spouse Has Mental Health Issues

When spouses stay alert to changes in each other, they can catch warning signs of possible mental health issues early on and seek the help they need.

loneliness trap - Illustration shows one person knitting a fabric of belonging under the eye of two other women

The Loneliness Trap

Finding your place of belonging is often more difficult than you think.


Are You Lonely in Marriage?

What COVID Taught Me

Wife kissing husband's forehead.

How to Reconnect When You’re Lonely in Your Marriage

Experts identify seasons of marriage prone to producing loneliness. The challenge is to anticipate those lonely periods, learn how to navigate them and turn them into growth opportunities.

husband and wife saying goodbye in airport

Dealing With Physical Distance in Marriage

When we marry, few of us picture spending extended amounts of time away from our mate. Then reality sets in.

Your Time Apart – Making it Through and Back

Here are some tips for thriving during, and after, your spouse’s absence.

The Gift of Loneliness

Instead of running from loneliness, allow God to use it to draw you closer to Him.

A couple walks on a bridge at sunset with their dog.

Togetherness: Making It Work

If you’re struggling with the challenges of togetherness, here’s help.