A practical way to communicate about your finances is to create a “money huddle.” It’s not a budget-planning session; it’s a time to address the emotional side of money.
Marriage Conflict
Are you concerned that a spouse is being emotionally abused in their marriage? Find out which behavior patterns signal abuse.
When my husband deployed, my world fell apart. But God pieced me — and us — back together, stronger than ever.
Marriages only thrive as each spouse accepts responsibility for the impact of their own disappointments, fears and priorities on the relationship.
When a couple reaches the point of separation, the entire situation gets further complicated when children are involved.
Most couples in a second marriage could use some expert help right from the start. Counseling provides guidance and the kind of insight that’s often difficult to muster on your own.
Blended family marriages face unique stressors that can affect a couple’s sexual relationship. Here are five sexual pitfalls to avoid.
Marriage struggles are normal. But often, couples ask, “Is divorce the right answer?” These 15 questions will help you evaluate your marriage.
Unspoken communication can be at least as powerful as words.
Holiday stress can turn couples away from each other, so plan now to avoid the stressors and be more connected this season.