
Spiritual Advice

Is witchcraft bad? This little girl is channel surfing

The Rise of Witchcraft & Popular Culture: Is There a Connection?

Is witchcraft bad for children to watch?

scripture about beauty. Young teen with long red curly hair

Scriptures About Beauty and Appearance

Enjoy reading key Scripture verses that relate to appearance and beauty with your child.

Bible Verses About Healing

The scriptures are overflowing with Bible verses about healing. We experience various types of wounds throughout our lifetime. Broken hearts, shattered spirits, and contentious family ties and relationship are among them. However, there are scriptures that apply to every type of wound we might experience in our lifetime.You or someone you know may be experiencing …

Spring Cleaning Our Messy Hearts

Spring cleaning our hearts, by confessing our sins to God and to others, can bless us in ways we’ve never imagined.

Boat sailing under dark sky and stormy clouds

Thriving in Chaotic Times

We are all tempted to believe that deadly tsunamis, bone-chilling temperatures or collapsing stock markets mean things are out of control. That is simply not true.

Career vs. Faith

My mother was rushed to the hospital in labor and seriously ill. Her doctor told Dad that the baby, their first, was already dead and that Mom might not survive. And, just as he predicted, after delivery a nurse came out and confirmed that I was indeed dead. The doctor quickly tossed me aside in …

A man seated at a kitchen table praying before an open Bible

Finding God’s Will for My Life

DEAR BOUNDLESS ANSWERS I’m really excited about the new Boundless Answers feature. I enjoy reading the new columns every Thursday, and now something that addresses the issues facing young men such as myself only increases my anticipation. Here’s my question: How do I find out what God wants me to do with my life? REPLY …

Witchcraft, teenage girl sitting in the dark reading about witchcraft on her tablet.

Witchcraft: What Christian Parents Need to Know

Witchcraft is a difficult subject to broach in Christian circles. Many people are so uncomfortable with it, they don’t even want to discuss it, and don’t believe it is real.

Manifesting your dreams through social media. Young girl laying on a couch looking at her phone

The Dangerous Trend of Manifesting and Witchcraft on Social Media

Manifesting your dreams is a dangerous trend sweeping through our schools and social media. Manifesting and setting intentions is witchcraft.

Why Church?

The temptation to replace live church with online settles for a lesser-than version of God’s intention for the local body to gather.


Wife Unhappy With Spiritual Leadership: A Guide for Mentors

The topics of spiritual leadership and spiritual intimacy are a common source of conflict in marriage. What advice should a mentor offer?


‘One Another’ Marriage Devotional: Encourage One Another

Satan wants to keep you isolated from other Christians so you don’t encourage one another. But fellowship can strengthen your marriage.

godly kids

Raising Godly Kids in an Ungodly World

Raising godly kids in an ungodly world is not impossible. You and your kids were born for such a time as this, and understanding God’s heart.

Parents get the best parenting example from Jesus

What Parents Can Learn from Jesus’ Interactions with Children

Throughout scripture, Jesus treats children with radical care and love to indicate how deeply He values them. It’s no wonder that He continually compared our faith to children. Just as children depend on their parents for daily needs, so too do we rely on God the Father for our spiritual and physical needs.

Why Does God Allow Evil

Why Does God Allow Evil?

While the problem of evil appears complicated, it’s certainly not a theological showstopper. Using Scripture mixed with a healthy dose of logic, you can adequately address your children’s concerns about why does God allow evil?

Photo of a wall and chain between the viewer and the church, symbolizing spiritual abuse keeping you away from God.

What Is Spiritual Abuse in Marriage?

Darby Strickland, a counselor and teacher at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation, defines spiritual abuse in marriage and offers advice for helping wives who are oppressed in this way.

Slightly faded photo of an old-looking stone cottage surrounded by flowers, greenery, and trees

Devotional: Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

May we not lose perspective in these days of uncertainty and forget the goal. The light of the radio tower, is shining brightly.

A man gazes into the distance contemplatively

Five Steps for Making Wise Choices

When facing tough choices, it can be difficult to know the right way forward. Longtime investment banker and mentor Ken Costa offers five steps to assist in the decision-making process.

Should My Family Celebrate Halloween?

Do the decisions you make for your family regarding Halloween reflect the faith and values you demonstrate the rest of the year?

The Worst Marriage Advice Ever!

Some marriage advice is helpful and given with the best of intentions. Unfortunately, other well-meaning counsel is misguided and useless. Here’s a summary of the worst marriage advice I’ve heard.