
Behavior & Discipline|Parenting

Helping your kids have a positive mindset

Helping Our Kids Grow and Keep a Positive Mindset

Today’s kids face new challenges and ask questions our kids didn’t have to two decades ago. But God has provided every answer and truth to help them have a positive mindset and turn adversity into an adventure.

When to play video games? Two kids, a brother and sister about eight years old sitting on a couch playing video games. Both kids have a big smile on their face.

When Should Kids Play Video Games?

Answering the question of when should kids play video games can be tricky. Remember to maintain positive communication with your kid as you provide boundaries and expectations.

4 parenting styles

Mastering Today’s 4 Parenting Styles

Remember, no parenting style is inherently bad or good. Each carries its potential benefits and drawbacks. The key is to be mindful and adaptable, employing the methods that best fit your child’s individual needs and personality.

The Best Chores for Teenagers

As you communicate the importance of chores for your teens, reinforce the spiritual significance of work and its impact on the heart, mind, and soul.

helicopter parenting

Helicopter Parenting: When to Fly a Helicopter

I know you’ve heard the term ‘helicopter parent.’ Are you one of them? If so, here are some solutions to avoiding helicopter parenting.

Multiple Intelligence Theory

What is Multiple Intelligence Theory and How Does it Affect my Child?

What is Multiple Intelligence Theory? Explore how our different learning styles affect learning and your child’s development inside and outside of school.

empty nest parenting and changing seasons

Empty Nest Parenting and Changing Seasons

In the midst of empty nest parenting, you can still enjoy the changing seasons as your kids work, move away and start their own family.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Parenting and Love Styles (Part 2 of 2)

We all have baggage from our family of origin. But what do you do when you start repeating your own parents’ mistakes? John and Danny provide a dose of hope to parents who are discouraged because of the family they came from. Featuring Milan and Kay Yerkovich. (Part 2 of 2)

Focus on the Family Broadcast logo

Healing Parent and Adult Child Relationships (Part 1 of 2)

Dr. John Townsend offers parents guidance and encouragement for resolving a strained relationship with their adult children. (Part 1 of 2)

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Three Core Parenting Principles

Good parenting can always be traced to a healthy relationship with your children. But what does that look like? John and Danny discuss an important key for keeping a relationship strong, even when your child is acting up. Featuring Mike Berry.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Correcting a Counterfeit

“You need more things!” “You need to do more activities with your kids!” These are the lies our culture shouts at us. But believing them will do more harm to your family than good. John and Danny discuss how simplifying your schedule can bring more peace into your home. Featuring Mike Berry.

How to Make Disciples

How to Make Disciples in a Post-Christian Culture

Learning how to make disciples in a Post-Christian culture is the greatest task ahead of us.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

When Your Child Cries

When your son or daughter is young, it’s common for him or her to cry a lot. But the tears are typically pointing to something deeper. John and Danny offer some helpful tips for talking to your kids about their true feelings. Featuring Josh and Christi Straub.

halloween activities

Family Friendly Halloween Activities

These family-friendly Halloween activities are only the beginning to teaching your kids how to appropriately approach Halloween. This fall season, create new ways to bond with your kids while teaching them the importance of intentionally interacting with the people God puts in our lives.

Focus on the Family Broadcast Logo

Connecting With Your Teen Daughter

Kari Kampakis offers insight into the world of teen girls and explains how mothers can strengthen their relationships with their daughters.

13 Lessons That Dads Can Teach Their Daughters

13 Lessons Dads Can Teach Their Daughters

As a father, you can provide advice, encouragement, and love to your daughter. Explore the 13 essential lessons dads can teach their daughters to create a positive and long-lasting momentum in their lives.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Giving Appropriate Affirmation

Encouraging your child is a wonderful thing, but how do you do it when you need to confront him or her? John and Danny offer some tips for responding well when your child disappoints you. Featuring guest Michele Howe.

Family and dog running through the trees

5 Ways To Make a Change in Momentum With Family Relationships

If the momentum in your family has taken a negative turn, these five things can help you get it back on a positive pace.

Focus on the Family Daily Broadcast logo

Understanding Your Teen’s Behavior (Part 2 of 2)

Jim Daly and John Fuller talk with Dr. Jeramy and Mrs. Jerusha Clark about their book, Your Teenager is Not Crazy. They share an overview of what is going on in the teen brain from a neurological perspective, how to understand your teen’s emotions, and the impact of puberty and hormones on your teen. (Part …

Focus on the Family Daily Broadcast logo

Understanding Your Teen’s Behavior (Part 1 of 2)

Jim Daly and John Fuller talk with Dr. Jeramy and Mrs. Jerusha Clark about their book Your Teenager is Not Crazy. They share an overview of what is going on in the teen brain from a neurological perspective, how to understand your teen’s emotions, and the impact of puberty and hormones on your teen. (Part …