How do I deal with my elderly dad’s history of child sexual abuse?
Relationships & Marriage Q&As
What does the Bible really mean when it says “Wives submit to your husbands”?
Our grandson is being supported by his parents (our daughter and son-in-law) to “transition” to a girl. They say that if we don’t call him by his new female name, they’ll cut us out of their lives. We don’t know where this is coming from or what to do. How do we show them love …
I just discovered that my husband has been abusing our 6-year-old niece. What should I do?
You married someone who’s very different from you! It’s part of God’s design. While your differences can be a lot of fun, they can also create a lot of tension. John talks to Erin about ways that a couple can have fun with their differences. Featuring Mrs. Melanie Shankle.
If there’s a lack of love in your marriage, it’s good to evaluate the strength of your relationship with God. The more you prioritize obeying God, the better job you’ll do at being a good spouse. John talks to Erin and Greg about what it means for couples to represent Jesus in their marriage. Featuring …
I’ve been married for nine years and feel alone. My husband and I don’t connect emotionally at all. What do I do?
You said something to your spouse, and thought your point was clear. But after a day or two, your mate is really upset. It turns out, your spouse misunderstood what you said. Sound familiar? John, Erin and Greg explain why working through misunderstandings can make your relationship stronger. Featuring Guy Lia, Amber Lia, and Jean …
In our previous article on four styles of relational interaction, we looked at basic principles of control and responsibility, and how people interact in any given situation: hold, toss, grab, or fold. HOLD and FOLD are healthy choices; TOSS and GRAB are not. HOLD: When a person rightly realizes, What’s mine is mine. FOLD: When …
For most of us, the question pops up every day: How can I mind my own business and still be responsible to the people I have relationships with? The answer won’t always be straightforward because every person and every situation is different. But we can take steps in the right direction by understanding basic principles …
My husband has all but destroyed me, our marriage, and our family. Friends who care about both of us tell me to use tough love with him. But then I read articles that say it’s the wrong approach — that compassion and patience would be better. What should I do?
How do I handle the family secret that just came to light? I feel like my whole life has been a lie.
I’m engaged, and my fiancé wants a prenup.
How do I decide whether to attend a family event? I didn’t come from a healthy family of origin, and I don’t always feel safe around my relatives. But I feel pressure to be at every get-together.
What’s your opinion of in vitro fertilization (IVF)?
Am I justified in being upset about my wife’s ongoing friendship with a former boyfriend? We’ve been married for three years, and they have maintained a close relationship the entire time. She refuses to cut it off even though she knows it’s hurtful to me. Am I being unreasonable?
How can I encourage my wife to be more thoughtful about money? Our family has really struggled recently. I was laid off from my job two years ago and have finally found full-time employment. My wife worked a couple of part-time jobs, but we still have a lot of bills to pay. And no matter …
How do I deal with the reality of having lost all physical attraction for my severely overweight husband? I’ve tried to be encouraging and understanding. I’ve made healthy meals for us, offered to exercise with him, and listened empathetically to his frustrations for years, but he hasn’t shown interest in doing anything to change his …
Do you have resources for a military spouse who’s struggling desperately with feelings of loneliness? I honestly believe that loneliness is the source of most other issues military families experience: alcoholism, addiction, divorce, even suicide. I knew I’d be lonely during a deployment, but now I know it happens other times, too; for the past …
Is a marriage performed by a Justice of the Peace valid in the eyes of God?