
Family Focus Newsletter | August 2024


The lies we're told ...

It’s no surprise that our broken world is full of lies. In a culture against Christ, families are bombarded with lies that rock the very foundation of morality and humanity.

Society says marriage isn’t meant to last forever. In fact, they say marriage shouldn’t be just between a man and a woman.

Culture denies what it means to be a man or woman, indoctrinating children from a young age with gender confusion.

Pro-abortion advocates reject the truth about life in the womb and discard the sanctity of life created by God.

That’s why the life-changing truth you share with families through your support is so critical. You are saving and strengthening families by equipping them with the truth. “Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long” (Psalms 25:5).

Your generous support empowers families in crisis with Scripture-based resources that confirm truths like these:

  • The permanence of marriage as a sacred covenant by God
  • The value of children.
  • The sanctity of human life.
  • The value male and female as created in God’s image.

Thank you for all you do to redeem families! Your gifts are saving marriages, equipping parents, and empowering families to reveal Christ to the culture around them!

Empower families to withstand culture

Will you help rescue families in crisis from the challenging world we live in? Your gift will provide families biblically based resources that equip them to withstand the attacks of a faithless culture.

You can offer families in crisis the truth with resources rooted in Scripture that deal with the most challenging issues of the day.

Your gift of just $37 can save and strengthen a family through daily broadcasts, marriage and parenting podcasts, print and online materials, and counseling resources.

Your support also fuels The Daily Citizen that provides a biblical worldview on news and current cultural issues, as well as Lighthouse Voices — live and online events on topics like racial tensions, gender identity, abortion, mental illness and more.  

Please use the enclosed response card and envelope to send your gift to help families combat culture.

Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age

In this book, bestselling author Rosaria Butterfield uses Scripture to confront five common lies about sexuality, faith, feminism, gender roles, and modesty often promoted in our secular culture today.

You’ll learn a biblical understanding of what it means to be a woman. Women will learn the truth about who God created them to be despite the lies of our modern culture.

Get your copy of this incredible book with your donation of any amount today!

Image of Jim Daly

Jim's Heart

Families are facing a cultural crisis in our country. They are barraged with messages about promiscuity, immorality, abortion, and gender confusion. When you add that to the challenges families already deal with daily, it can be overwhelming.

I could go on and on about the very real pain and heartache that are being felt by families all over the U.S. and around the world — and while we could easily become discouraged to know so many people are wrestling with such heavy trials, it’s important to consider how you are ensuring these families do not feel alone. Your gifts offer peace and hope to families by providing them with resources rooted in Scripture and covered in prayer. From broadcasts and podcasts to counseling and materials, you are lifting up those who are “sojourners and exiles” in a world plagued by sin, heartbreak, sickness, and death (1 Peter 2:11). Peter goes on in this same letter to say this:

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though some- thing strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. (1 Peter 4:12-13)

In other words, life is hard. That’s not a cliché way of dismissing someone facing deep hurt, but a reminder of a truth we would do well to bear in mind when life’s seas become choppy.

Thankfully, that’s not where the story ends, because we serve a Savior who is well-acquainted with suffering and is “near to the brokenhearted” (Psalm 34:18). He empathizes with our grief and pain, promises never to forsake us, and submitted to an agonizing death in order to pay the price for our sin and redeem us for Himself. That means that any affliction we face is temporary, and that it pales in light of eternity.

Let’s remember, too, that Jesus left us His Spirit to guide and comfort us, and He has empowered His people to come alongside those who suffer. As a friend of Focus, I know you take that charge seriously. Time and again, friends like you have placed a loving arm around those who approach us for help, encouragement and prayer.

I’m so grateful that you are serving as the hands and feet of Christ by delivering practical assistance, biblically grounded advice, and Spirit-filled comfort to hurting families.

You do this through a variety of means. The flagship radio show, Focus on the Family with Jim Daly, is one significant way you help reach people with hope and solace in Christ. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard from someone who had reached the end of their rope only to turn on the radio and find a message or interview that specifically addressed the very issue with which they were wrestling.

You shine the light of Christ through broadcasts and podcasts, articles, videos, and many other resources geared toward helping families tackle tough issues and, ultimately, to thrive in their relationships with one another and with the Lord. It is only through your support that Focus on the Family can offer biblical advice related to virtually every family-related topic you can think of … and then some!

Finally, I want to share a bit about what God is doing through the Hope Restored marriage intensive program you support. This initiative seeks to intervene in marriages on the brink of divorce through expert counseling in beautiful, serene settings where couples can zero in on their relationship without any outside distractions. Thousands of husbands and wives have now been through one of the intensives geared specifically toward marriages in crisis, and the majority of these couples return home with better communication skills, a renewed sense of expectation for their marriage, and a more joyful anticipation about the future.

I hope you’re as uplifted as I am by all that the Lord is accomplishing through your work.

Because we are a non-profit ministry, it is only through your gifts that we can equip families to withstand the anti-faith challenges of our culture. Your immediate gift will provide the much-needed resources rooted in Scripture for struggling families.

God bless you!

Jim Daly
Focus on the Family

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