Al Pittman

Al Pittman

Al Pittman is a senior pastor for Calvary Worship Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He joined that church community in 1980 as a full-time staff member and worship leader before moving his family in 1991 to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he became an assistant pastor and co-worship leader at a Calvary Chapel campus there. In 1997, he returned to Colorado Springs to assume his current position. He and his wife, Norma, have three children, and are grandparents as well. Learn more about Pastor Pittman at his website,

A Christian Response to Racial Tension

A Christian Response to Racial Tension

Senator Tim Scott and Pastor Al Pittman offer their insights regarding the heightening of racial tension in the United States and the havoc it’s currently wreaking. Our guests also offer guidance on how Christians can respond to this situation with God’s love and grace.