A baby's life depends on you.

Today, an expectant mother faces a life-and-death decision. Will you help save her baby’s life? Double your gift to help save babies from abortion through a $1.1 Million Match Opportunity!

Save a child's life

Rescue 2x the babies from abortion!

Yes, I will save TWICE the babies!

David Weidner

David Weidner is the author of a new CD series, Pure in Heart—Biblical Principles for Restoring Purity (http://www.purityrestored.com), drawn from his own thirty-year journey overcoming sexual sin. Through leading recovery groups and conducting Pure in Heart seminars, David has helped bring fresh hope to men who long to restore their personal purity. David has a BS in Biblical Languages and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Psychology. After ten years in the full-time ministry, he has spent the last fifteen years working in the pharmaceutical industry.

The Overcoming Marriage

If we’re honest, all marriages have trials. Learn how to use difficulty to build an overcoming marriage and grow closer than ever to your spouse.

Turning Sex From a Battleground to a Sanctuary

Read practical ways you can maintain (or restore) the sanctity of marital intimacy and move past impurity, manipulation, hopelessness or shame.

The Christ-ian Marriage

What sustains us and restores us after we fall? Embracing the vision of Christ living in us and in the holy temple of our marriage.

Can There Be Light After Darkness?

Overcoming starts by facing struggles that often lie hidden in darkness. Learn how to walk the path of light personally and within your marriage.