Headshot of Focus on the Family broadcast guest Jessica Pfeiffer

Jessica Pfeiffer

Jessica Pfeiffer is a podcast cohost and mom of four children. She and her husband, Charlie, live in Houston, Texas.

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Common Teen Issues That Drive Parents Crazy

You may wonder if your teen will ever grow up! Dr. Ken Wilgus and mom Jessica Pfeiffer discuss the idea of planned emancipation—a system of freedoms and responsibilities aimed at successfully launching your teen into adulthood. You’ll learn some ways to navigate common issues like school and grades, screens and social media, and friendships and dating so that those teenage years don’t have to be stressful and chaotic.

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How to Talk With Your Teen Without Losing Your Mind (Part 2 of 2)

Parents often struggle to communicate effectively during the teen years. Dr. Ken Wilgus encourages moms and dads to relax a little bit, back off from micromanaging, and start treating their teen more like a budding adult. This includes showing them more respect and communicating to them the same way you would another adult. (Part 2 of 2)

Promotional image for Focus on the Family broadcast "Guiding Your Teen Into Adulthood"

Guiding Your Teen Into Adulthood (Part 2 of 2)

Dr. Kenneth Wilgus, Jessica Pfeiffer, and Ashley Parrish, who together host a podcast about parenting teens, offer practical guidance for preparing teen children for adulthood. Our panel addresses topics including “planned emancipation,” appropriate boundaries, control vs. influence, teen entitlement, and much more. (Part 2 of 2)

Promotional image for Focus on the Family broadcast "Guiding Your Teen Into Adulthood"

Guiding Your Teen Into Adulthood (Part 1 of 2)

Dr. Kenneth Wilgus, Jessica Pfeiffer, and Ashley Parrish, who together host a podcast about parenting teens, offer practical guidance for preparing teen children for adulthood. Our panel addresses topics including “planned emancipation,” appropriate boundaries, control vs. influence, teen entitlement, and much more. (Part 1 of 2)