
Ages 9-12 (Preteen/Tween)

A father is protecting, talking to. and comforting his young son by holding him close on the steps. Protecting and overprotecting your child are different actions.

Are You Over Protecting Your Child?

There is a balance in protecting our kids from harm and giving them the freedom to fail, struggle, and the skills to succeed.

Growth and learning happen as a parent is strategic just like in the picture of the stages of butterfly growth

Strategies for Helicopter Parents

Solid strategies for helicopter parents that can land the whirlybird while encourage their children’s growth and learning.

Consequences of teen sexting are serious

The Consequences of Teen Sexting

Learning about sexting involving your teenager can seem frightening and overwhelming. Read more to discover some of the dangers surrounding sexting, relevant terminology, and repercussions. Finally, read our advice and guidance on how to appropriately and lovingly discuss this topic with your teenager.

Dads and moms have different parenting styles

Different Parenting Styles: When Dad Says It’s Okay…

Children need both their parents. When mom and dad connect, they can complement each other’s parenting styles.

build a relationship with your child - this mom is playing super hero dress up with her daughter

Build a Great Relationship With Your Child

It’s easy to fall into the trap of settling into a routine of all the things we do for our kids, and assume we are parenting well.

Fathers hold a key role in helping children know their identity

Fathers Encourage Identity Development

When fathers choose to serve the Lord, live consistently and seize the opportunity to be present and involved with their children, they encourage identity and teach values.

LGBT curriculum in public school

What You Need to Know About LGBT Curriculum in Your Kid’s Public School

As a parent, you have the right to interact in a meaningful way within your child’s school community to impact success and learning.

Sleep deprived kids like this teen, require more rest

Sleep-Deprived Kids Need More Rest

Bring your teens back to life by helping them get more rest.

Teen football players tackling for the ball

What Parents Need to Know About Concussions

Physical activity is important to healthy child development but parents need to know how to prevent and respond to head injuries that may result in concussions.

Mom helps child build confidence by teaching him how to do laundry. The image has a little boy and his mom kneeling on the floor talking laundry out of the dryer together

Chores Help Kids Be Successful In Life

Children build their self-confidence through learning small, real life skills.

young mother sitting next to a Christmas Tree holding her knees Grieving

Coping With Christmas After Losing a Child

Dreading the holidays after losing a child is normal.

Why does God allow suffering?

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

To answer the question: Why does God allow suffering?, you and your children will need some logic, communication, and patience, as well as an understanding of God’s wisdom and the Bible.

Marijuana use is on the rise among young people

A Parent’s Guide to Marijuana and Marijuana Use

Marijuana continues to grow as a socially and legally accepted drug. Read our parent’s guide to marijuana to help in facing these situations.

Is talking about sex with your child difficult?

Before Talking About Sex: Dealing With Our Past

The first step in raising our children to honor their sexuality is to come to terms with our own.

mother and daughter sitting on a couch talkinging about why teens are attracted to wicca

Why Teens Are Attracted to Wicca

Talk with teens about their attraction to Wicca.

Parents model healthy sexual behavior for children

How Parents Can Model Healthy Sexual Behavior for Kids

Because our children develop over time, there’s encouragement that change for the better is always possible. Now is a great time to consider several key issues, and make any revisions that will strengthen your family.

Watching shows with magic?

Magic in Media: Harmless Fantasy?

Understanding our children’s mental and spiritual development plays an important role in how they will interpret the worldview presented in today’s media.

Is witchcraft bad? This little girl is channel surfing

The Rise of Witchcraft & Popular Culture: Is There a Connection?

Is witchcraft bad for children to watch?

cute little girl with down syndrome coloring

Find Hope in Raising a Child with Disabilities

Born with cerebral palsy, Dr. Tyler Sexton became a medical doctor who treats kids with special needs and encourages parents.

Mother and daughter at a halloween party. Should Christians celebrate halloween?

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Should Christians celebrate Halloween? The answer is complex. As you and your family prepare for Halloween, continue to study, pray, and seek God’s wisdom.