
Couple’s Devotional: Shared Goals

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Has God given you and your spouse a shared goal or a vision for your marriage? It's time to identify it and act on it together.

Shared Goals

“Do all that you have in mind,” his armor-bearer said. “Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.”
1 Samuel 14:7

What Are Those Goals?

What is God calling you and your spouse to do together? Is there a shared goal or vision you and your spouse are passionate about pursuing this year? God has placed those dreams and ideas deep in your heart and in your spouse’s heart. It’s time to identify those goals and tackle them as a team.

1 Samuel 14 tells the story of King Saul’s son Jonathan and his desire to attack a Philistine outpost. The only person with Jonathon was his young armor-bearer. What good were two men against a group of armed Philistines? It seemed like a suicide mission — and might have been — except Jonathon was following God’s plan and turned to God for help. When Jonathon shared his plans with his armor-bearer, the young man answered, “Do all that you have in mind … Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.” (1 Samuel 14:7, NIV)

That’s what a shared goal looks like!

God probably won’t ask you and your spouse to launch a military offensive, but He has given you a vision, a passion and a shared goal. Maybe that goal involves praying for another couple, serving together in your church, or taking a mission trip together.

If you don’t yet have a shared goal, take time to dream together. Ask God what is possible. How can He use your marriage to be a blessing to others? You’ll find that serving together … following God’s plan together … brings you closer together than before.

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