
Marriage Devotion: Mighty Warrior

A knight carries a sword and a shield with a cross on it.
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God sees us for who we will become. Sometimes we need a reminder. At other times, we should remind our spouse of God's calling.

Today’s Scripture:

“The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” Judges 6:12, NIV

Today’s Devotion:

Gideon had no authority. He didn’t command an army. He was not a leader. When we meet him in Judges 6, he is trying to prepare food for his family without drawing the attention of the local warlord. He is, however, noticed by someone far more powerful than the Midianite and Amalekite invaders. God has noticed Gideon and has plans for him. Not only that, but God also has a new identity for Gideon and greets him accordingly: “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”

Mighty warrior? Hardly! Gideon doesn’t see it. Yet. But God does. God sees us for who we will become – who He calls us to become. Sometimes we need a reminder.

At other times, we need to remind someone else of God’s calling. Maybe that someone is sitting next to you as you read this. Your spouse needs to be reminded of how God sees them. Who has He called them to be?

And guys, this part is for you: As the spiritual leaders in your home, your job is to remind your wife of who God (not you) has called her to become, and you have the wonderful privilege of joining and supporting her on her journey.

God always sees you and your spouse for who you will become.

The Lord is with you, mighty warriors.

Today’s Prayer:

Heavenly Father, I often feel like Gideon – an unimportant laborer doing a mundane job – but you call me a mighty warrior. Give me courage to believe your word. Help me remind my spouse of your calling. And may we serve you as mighty warriors for your Kingdom. Amen.

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