Has your son recently discovered that his reaction to girls is changing? Sexual attraction is normal. Here’s how you can help your son make sense of what is happening and guide him to respond well.
Sex Talk
Even though pornography is everywhere, you can help your teen learn how to quit watching porn with these strategies.
The following excerpt is from “Parenting Gen Z: Guiding Your Child Through a Hostile Culture”
The battle against the sexualization of our children can only be won if we as parents recognize where the battle ground begins.
What do I tell my kids about sex? When do I start? It all begins with a conversation, at the appropriate age.
This can be one of the trickiest topics to handle with your teens. Addressing unwanted sexual thoughts begins with focusing on what’s happening, necessary boundaries, and providing help.
Any topics, conversations, or even a mention related with sex can be awkward for you and your preschooler. Much less a situation like this. Learn how you can use this moment to build positive momentum for conversations about sex with your child.
My preteen daughter started her period. What should I do now? How do I approach this conversation with her?
At what age should I begin teaching my child about the “facts of life?” He’s still small —in fact, I would have assumed that he’s not old enough for “the talk” yet. The problem is that he’s already been hearing a lot about the subject. It’s obvious that he has picked up certain words from …
Using nickname to describe areas of the body isn’t necessarily wrong. But there’s a better path to set your kids up for success in their future conversations about sex, sexuality, and their future marriage.