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How to Introduce Your Kids to the Scriptures

Father lying on the floor with his young daughter as she reads the Bible
Help your children to become familiar with God's Word using simple activities that will also enrich your time together

Bible literacy is no longer a cultural ideal. As parents, you can Introduce your children to God’s Word or help them learn more about Scripture with these easy activities:

Creative Bible Storytelling

My kids often glued craft sticks together to create people, boats, wells, tents, carts or animals to tell the Bible story we learned that day. They’ve also used other craft items such as paint, stickers, fuzzy balls and foam cutouts to complete their creation. They enjoyed using a small kiddie pool to float their characters on “the Sea of Galilee,” while a sandbox represented the desert where the Israelites wandered.

© 2020 Mysty Pfeffer

Find It in the Bible

My young son had access to easy-to-read illustrated Bibles. After church, he’d come home and say, “I want to read about Jonah.” So, we’d look it up. When he heard a sermon, he’d write down the Scripture reference to read later. We would underline and highlight the passage together.

After his grandmother died, my son asked about heaven. We looked up verses about heaven and about the absence of pain and suffering. Through his asking questions and our looking up answers together, he eventually learned how to search the Bible
for answers on his own.

© 2020 Tiffany Elliott

Peace at Bedtime

My son used to wake from nightmares. One night, before bedtime, I read Psalm 23 with him. Verse by verse, he echoed me. I read the passage as a prayer for him. It brought him peace. Reading Psalm 23 became integral to our bedtime routine.

We took a photo of him lying in grass representing Psalm 23:2, “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” As he held that photo, we would recount the verse. Now he has Psalm 23 memorized.

© 2020 Traci Robinson

Carpool Proverbs

When driving with my tweens in the car, I often played my audio Bible—usually the book of Proverbs—through the car’s sound system. It became a habit on our drive to school to listen to the proverb that correlated to the date. This often led to questions and great learning times.

© 2020 Shonda Holt

Sketching Scripture

Art journals allow my children to artistically interpret the Word of God. Here is what they do:

  1. Read Scripture and think about a particular passage or verse.
  2. Sketch what it means to them.

Then they continue with crayons, markers or paint to finish their artwork. One time, my daughter drew a picture of a Bible lying open with a lamp shining beams of light on it. She drew a green plant sprouting out of the page. This represented Luke 8:11, “The seed is the word of God.”

© 2020 Natasha Smith

The One Thing

As a member of the military, I never really knew when I would be deployed. So I asked myself, If
there were just one thing I could tell my son to help him understand what is most important in life,
what would it be?

After much thought, I decided that the most important thing I could tell him was the Gospel message:
who God is, how we can approach Him, how much He loves us and how we can return that love. After
much prayer, God led me to these verses:
Genesis 1:1,
Proverbs 9:10,
John 3:16,
Acts 16:10 and
Matthew 10:32.

My son was 6 months old when I started reading these verses to him. When he learned to talk, I had
him repeat them after me every night. Eventually, we studied them together. These verses were not
our only Scripture study, but they helped my son understand his need for salvation at a young age.

© 2018 Justin Lavadour

Hear the Word

When our kids were younger, my husband and I would choose a daily Bible passage to read to them.
Because the Bible uses complex language, we would look for repeated words and phrases in the
passage, such as “and behold,” “it came to pass” and “you shall not.” Then we taught these words and
phrases to our children, helping them understand big concepts in simpler terms. They would shout the
words when we pointed to them during our Bible reading. This kept them engaged and greatly improved
their vocabulary.

© 2018 Valarie Schenk


This year I got the Bible on CD. We play one of the 70 CDs every night. By the time my
children turn 5, they will have heard the entire Bible more than 20 times.

© 2018 Briana Bloom

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