A baby's life depends on you.

Today, an expectant mother faces a life-and-death decision. Will you help save her baby’s life? Double your gift to help save babies from abortion through a $1.1 Million Match Opportunity!

Save a child's life

Rescue 2x the babies from abortion!

Yes, I will save TWICE the babies!

Sign the Pledge to “Save America’s Families”

Sign the Pledge

Your pledge today is more than a signature. It’s a personal commitment to uphold our nation’s core values of faith and family—beginning with your own family. By signing this pledge, you’re expressing your commitment to Christian principles and becoming part of a community that actively supports a Christ-centered America. We believe our country’s strength comes from the unity and resilience of families guided by the teachings of Jesus.
Sign Focus on the Family's pledge to save America's families

Your Commitment:

God Honoring Marriage:

I pledge to honor and nurture my marriage, recognizing it as a blessed union under God. (Mark 10:9)

Parenting with Purpose:

I commit to raising my children with love and guiding them in the path of faith and righteousness. (Proverbs 22:6)

Child Advocacy:

I promise to be a voice for the vulnerable, ensuring that every child is valued and nurtured. (Psalm 82:3)

Deepening Faith:

I dedicate myself to deepening my personal faith and sharing the love of Christ with those around me. (2 Peter 3:18)

Cultural Engagement:

I vow to engage with the world around me positively (Matthew 5:16)
Let’s make a difference and foster a nation rooted in love, faith, and Christ-centered family values.

Get encouragement through exclusive marriage, parenting, and faith resources delivered right to your phone.

Enter a name that is at least two characters long. (Characters can be letters of the alphabet, an apostrophe, hyphen, space, or period.)

Enter a name that is at least two characters long. (Characters can be letters of the alphabet, an apostrophe, hyphen, space, or period.)