After getting married, seeing your wife in a new, perhaps disappointing light can damage your relationship. Here’s what you can do about it.
Becoming a Stronger Husband
Spiritual intimacy can be a confusing issue for many couples. Dr. Greg Smalley offers personal insights on how husbands can be spiritual leaders and wives can see beyond basic spiritual disciplines for intimacy at home.
An emotional word picture is a tool that simultaneously activates the emotions and intellect of the listener. When you use a word picture to communicate, it can go straight into your spouse’s heart.
All relationships take work, but your first responder marriage may make the Jones’ look like a coffee-fetching “internship.”
Couples who have stood the test of time have developed relationship glue — big and small acts of kindness, respect, and thoughtfulness extended to one another on a consistent basis.
In a lighthearted look at marriage, Dr. Greg Smalley offers advice on how to nourish and cherish your mate’s heart – an essential ingredient for marital satisfaction.
Pastor and best-selling author Mark Batterson offers his insights on biblical masculinity and what it takes – particularly for a father – to raise a boy to become a good man. (Part 2 of 2)
Pastor and best-selling author Mark Batterson offers his insights on biblical masculinity and what it takes, particularly for a father, to raise a boy to become a good man. (Part 1 of 2)
Dr. Juli Slattery describes a wife’s power to help her husband became the hero God has called him to be. She explores the core needs of men and women, corrects misconceptions about submission, and offers practical advice to help couples overcome barriers to physical intimacy. (Part 2 of 2)
Dr. Juli Slattery describes a wife’s power to help her husband became the hero God has called him to be. She explores the core needs of men and women, corrects misconceptions about submission, and offers practical advice to help couples overcome barriers to physical intimacy. (Part 1 of 2)
Liz Curtis Higgs reminds us that God can do the impossible, as reflected in the unexpected pregnancies of two women in the original Christmas story. She explains how Jesus’ coming to Earth impacted those around Him and can impact your family this Christmas, too.
There are many reasons your spouse may be hesitant to leave the familiar and try something new — even if they really want to.
Steve Farrar warns that Satan has a two-fold strategy for every Christian man – to sever relationships between husbands and wives, and to alienate parents from children. Steve encourages men to renew their commitment to their families, and offers five strategies for marital fidelity. (Part 2 of 2)
Steve Farrar warns that Satan has a two-fold strategy for every Christian man – to sever relationships between husbands and wives, and to alienate parents from children. Steve encourages men to renew their commitment to their families, and offers five strategies for marital fidelity. (Part 1 of 2)
You married someone who’s very different from you! It’s part of God’s design. While your differences can be a lot of fun, they can also create a lot of tension. John talks to Erin about ways that a couple can have fun with their differences. Featuring Mrs. Melanie Shankle.
While there are many qualities that make a good husband, there are three I’ve discovered in mine.
A successful marriage is possible! Here are 10 principles that will help you create and maintain a successful marriage.
Your relationship with your spouse is often gauged by a “like meter,” which describes how you feel about him or her. What can you do to lift the needle?
While menopause is natural and normal, husbands and wives are often caught off guard by changes in their marriage relationship. Many husbands become confused by the behavior of their wife in menopause.
I have a great conversation tool I’ve used for 25 years. Throughout your day, record things to share with your wife. Making notes is a simple act that’s the basis for what I call “couple talk times.”