In 2024, Jack and Sherry Herschend accomplished something more spectacular than a ride on the Time Traveler roller coaster. They celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.
Biblical Marriage
Praying for your marriage is important. Every time you and your spouse pray for one another, great things happen in your relationship.
One of the biggest reasons why marriage is more successful than cohabitation is commitment.
These simple steps can make a world of difference in your marriage.
Husbands can reveal God’s loving, self-sacrificing movement into people’s hearts by the way they treat their wife. And wives can reveal God’s invitation to be filled with His strengthening presence.
Spiritual intimacy can be a confusing issue for many couples. Dr. Greg Smalley offers personal insights on how husbands can be spiritual leaders and wives can see beyond basic spiritual disciplines for intimacy at home.
A basic understanding of God, and how He created humans, will help develop deeper intimacy in marriage.
God has called husbands and wives to serve as unique vessels of His love for the other.
After the Fall, the beautiful harmony within human relationships and, in fact, the entire creation, devolved into dissonance.
God calls us to a renewed life, but it still takes patience, sacrifice, discipline and compassion.