
Doubt/Struggles with Faith

Painful times for our kids are often when faith grows

Faith Grows in Hard Places — Even for Kids

Help kids see that God works through pain and suffering in their and other people’s lives.

Why does God allow suffering?

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

To answer the question: Why does God allow suffering?, you and your children will need some logic, communication, and patience, as well as an understanding of God’s wisdom and the Bible.

Sad teen, sitting on the couch, contemplating the deconstruction of her faith

Deconstruction: Guide Your Teens Questioning Their Faith

What is considered toxic today, though, is largely determined by subjective experience, not objective truth.

Young woman using Wicca candles

Wicca: What You Should Know

Witchcraft has been around a long time. But its promises are empty. Here is what you should know about Wicca.

Young teen celebrating a wiccan sabbath, the dangers of wicca

The Hidden Traps of Wicca

Learn what Wicca is, its followers interest in the beliefs and principles, and God’s perspective on Wicca.

Two seated men talking in an office setting

Widowed: Living Well in the Future

Doubt about the future strikes every new widow and widower at a time when their security has been greatly shaken. Many fears and questions arise. Whether or not you’ll be able to live as well in the future is determined by three things: your income, expenses, and long-term needs.

Who or What Caused God?

“If everything has a cause, then who or what caused God?” While this question is often asked, it is inherently flawed. J.P. Moreland explains.

What to Say to a Skeptic

How can you respond when a skeptic questions Christ’s resurrection? Bill Myers and Michael Ross offer some tips.

When Adult Children Reject the Faith

When adult children reject the faith, questions arise from the emotions and doubt. Learn how to commit to loving your kids in this situation.

hands folded in prayer

Probing the Problems of Prayer

Most of us have encountered problems in our prayer lives to one degree or another. Maybe God did not answer our prayer [1]. Or we encountered a moral dilemma such as should we pray for or against enemies? Perhaps we wonder whether or not prayer is worth bothering about. After all, if everything is already …

Black and white close up of man praying with eyes closed and head resting on his folded hands

Honest to God: Getting Real With Christ During Adversity

Adversity has the potential to move us closer to God if we are willing to be honest with Him during trials.

Father hugging his adult son, who is deconstructing his Christian faith

What to do When Your Adult Child Is Deconstructing Their Faith

When your adult child has rejected the faith he or she was raised in, as a parent it’s easy to feel helpless.

Does God really exist? Looking at this image of "God's eye" makes it hard to deny.

Does God Really Exist?

Michael Ross offers tips for answering skeptics who ask the question: “Does God Really exist?”

Teen boy sitting on cloud, reading bible with dove on top, sky in background

What Gen Zers Believe About God

Insights for parenting a new generation

mother and adult daughter discussing deconstructing Christainity

What Do You Do When Your Child Loses Faith in God?

When adult children deconstruct their Christianity, it can lead to isolation and self-centeredness as they prioritize their desires or preferences over their family.

keeping faith in college

Keeping Faith in College: Helping Your Young Adults

College-bound kids and their faith have never been more threatened. Starting college unprepared and alone is a no longer a viable option. As a parent, now you can positively shape your young adult before they leave for college, make sure they are already connected in community long before they arrive. Resources like Every Student Sent, …

Christianity and Science

Science and Christianity: How Science Can Strengthen Your Teen’s Faith

Finding a way to fit science and religion together can feel overwhelming. For our teens, logic and reasoning present some of the greatest threats to complete belief in Christianity. However, as parents, you can guide your teen to a deeper understanding of how God created science to support our faith and belief in Him.

Why Does God Allow Evil

Why Does God Allow Evil?

While the problem of evil appears complicated, it’s certainly not a theological showstopper. Using Scripture mixed with a healthy dose of logic, you can adequately address your children’s concerns about why does God allow evil?

a row of statues in an old library

Does Philosophy Have a Place in the Pulpit?

You don’t need a degree in philosophy to incorporate apologetics into sermons. A solid study of basic logic, worldviews and arguments for Christianity and against other viewpoints can fortify those in the church to have a winsome reason for their hope in Christ

Speaking Wisely About Doubt In The Church

Doubt is best worked through individually with trusted friends. If leaders confess doubts on major Christian doctrines, their congregations may lose confidence in their leadership, equate doubt with unbelief, or be thrown into an unnecessary crisis of faith themselves.