
Respecting Your Spouse

A couple sitting on the couch with his mother who is hugging his wife

How to Strengthen Your Marriage by Loving Your Mother-In-Law

Learn how to strengthen your marriage and love your husband by building a good relationship with your mother-in-law.

A husband and wife are wrapped up in a blanket, that creates a heart shape around them, symbolizing the sexual intimacy that helps to create a healthy marriage.

The Secret to Sexual Intimacy With Your Spouse

When you choose to be affirming, encouraging and giving, you stimulate positive emotions in your spouse. Couples who understand this learn how to make love, not just have sex.


Black and White vs. Shades of Grey

If God’s Word is clear about some basic black-and-white sexual issues, what’s a believer to do with the shades of grey that are redefining sex in our culture?

A young couple walk arm-in-arm down a pathway in a park surrounded by trees. How can you fix an unhappy marriage? Learn how you can develop effective, yet simple habits for marital happiness.

Unhappy Marriage? Fix It with These Simple Habits for Marital Happiness

If you find yourself in an unhappy marriage, try these five simple things. If you and your spouse make these habits last, it will be a turning point in your relationship.

Relating to your-inlaws can be tough. This photo shows a young couple smiling harmoniously with their in-laws.

7 Strategies for Relating to In-laws for a Strong Marriage

Together, you and your spouse can use healthy strategies that will foster peace in relating to your in-laws. 


‘One Another’ Marriage Devotional: Love One Another

Sometimes we forget that Jesus’ command to “love one another” includes our spouse. But remember, God sees how you love your husband or wife.


‘One Another’ Marriage Devotional: Do Not Lie to One Another

“Do not lie to one another” means we must also avoid lies of omission. Have you been leaving out facts or hiding anything from your spouse lately?


Is My Spouse Controlling or Just Caring?

Does someone you know wonder if they have a controlling spouse? Help them sort through their concerns by looking at characteristics of a controlling spouse and a caring spouse.


The Best Way to Deal with Mismatched Libidos in Your Marriage

It’s not unusual for spouses to have different levels of sexual desire. Learn how to manage your mismatched libidos and make your sex life a blessing.

a man and woman dance together in their home

How Respecting Your Husband Can Make Him a Better Leader at Home

It’s not easy to see your husband’s imperfections and then choose to let him lead your family. But respecting your husband can make him a better man.

When Your Spouse Won’t Support Your Great Idea

Independent thinking doesn’t automatically shut off after the wedding. So when your spouse doesn’t agree with your great idea, how should you negotiate a solution?

Over-enthusiastic dad with a big smile kneeling by his slightly-embarrassed young daughter in her bedroom

Affirm Your Man

When my husband’s parenting doesn’t fit my expectations, I could nag or ridicule him, but I found a better way that doesn’t lead to negativity in our marriage. I focus on the things he does right.

Speaking Highly of Your Husband

A wife can talk about and treat her husband as either an incompetent dad or a wonderful father. Are you willing to frame your husband as a “hero” to your kids?

Keep the Spark Alive

There’s something fleeting about the excitement of a new relationship. But regardless of how much the flames have died down, couples can revitalize their sexual relationship and build deeper passion.

Illustration of mad husband hearing his wife make an insulting comment about him to someone she’s talking with on the phone

When You Have a Great One-Liner

Showing disrespect has become a modern marriage pastime. We laugh as our favorite on-screen wives make fools out of their husbands. Watch out or you’ll be in danger of picking up that unhealthy habit.

A couple lying on the floor with coffee mugs, engaged in a relaxed yet thoughtful conversation, reflecting the openness required for discussions like, “Let’s talk about sex.”

Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby!

Marriage is designed to be a place of trust, security and commitment, and nowhere is this more critical than in the sexual relationship between husband and wife.

Illustration of contemplative wife watching her husband be an avid TV football fan

When You Don’t ‘Get’ Him

When a couple’s differences threaten marital harmony, it is easy to wonder: How can that man and I really become one? Rather than losing heart, discover a new perspective through some life-changing truths.

Happy, smiling, young wife tightly hugging her husband as they stand outside

Are You Looking for the Hero in Your Husband?

Wives have the power to frame husbands as either failures or as heroes. Every choice, every word, every response has the potential to build or to tear down.

Become Your Spouse’s Publicist

Few things boost a person’s self-esteem more than hearing that his or her spouse has been saying positive things to others about him or her. When a couple does that, they reap a double dose of love.

Believing the Best About Your Spouse

When you decide to view your spouse as a good-willed person, that perspective changes your entire relationship. Even in the middle of conflict, you can see each other as partners and friends.