How do you ‘celebrate your singleness?’ Here are some ways to go on the offensive.
Single Life
You may be in danger from an abusive relationship and not even know it.
Romance and infatuation may initially require little effort, but experiencing deep, long-lasting, intimate love requires a passionate pursuit.
Is premarital sex a sin? Is Scripture becoming outdated and archaic in light of today’s cultural views concerning premarital sex? Here are three important things to consider when making a decision about sex and marriage.
Some vows can sabotage romantic love and hinder singles from making it the wedding altar.
Many singles idealize love and intimacy and make it into something that it’s not, nor can be.
How is marriage faring in terms of young people’s attitudes and life dreams?
Because mankind has been created by God for intimacy, it’s no surprise most singles long for marital love. But like all of our deepest longings and desires, it has the potential to carry us to heights in God—when we allow Him to be in charge of it—or to places of desperation when it becomes more …
I also know that for a few days my place will feel far too quiet until I get accustomed to being alone again.
Do you wonder how you can handle questions about your singleness during the holidays?