
Spiritual Life

Painful times for our kids are often when faith grows

Faith Grows in Hard Places — Even for Kids

Help kids see that God works through pain and suffering in their and other people’s lives.

Why does God allow suffering?

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

To answer the question: Why does God allow suffering?, you and your children will need some logic, communication, and patience, as well as an understanding of God’s wisdom and the Bible.

Celebrate Advent with kids and the whole family

Advent for Your Kids

Advent is a fun, faith-filled way to keep the family focused on Jesus throughout Christmas. Learn how to make Advent for your kids!

Image of six students that says Identity in Christ, A Gen Z Project

Identity in Christ: A Gen Z Viewpoint

I struggled to find my identity in Christ, trying to find my identity in materialistic things of the world. I was so consumed with gaining the “perfect” group of friends that I used alcohol to cope and did things that I’m far from proud of. This ultimately led to comparing my looks and personality to …

Little girl with blonde hair smiling with her hands in prayer

Encourage Your Child’s Faith

Get a number of ideas about how to help your child’s budding faith grow every day.

Is witchcraft bad? This little girl is channel surfing

The Rise of Witchcraft & Popular Culture: Is There a Connection?

Is witchcraft bad for children to watch?

Young woman using Wicca candles

Wicca: What You Should Know

Witchcraft has been around a long time. But its promises are empty. Here is what you should know about Wicca.

A mother and daughter dressed as superheroes are playing together, embodying bold and courageous parenting. The mother carries the daughter on her back, both with arms outstretched as if flying.

Raising Bold Children With Courage and Confidence

Help your children understand the true meaning of courage.

An image depicting a child with the words "Pro-Life Prayer: Responding to Injustice"

Pro-Life Prayer: A Response to Surprising Injustice

The most significant action we can take to further the pro-life movement is to cover our nation, and one another, in pro-life prayer.

A Real Foundation

Integrating a Christian worldview into every area of life is important.

Woman looking through a quarter-activated binocular system

Walking Through Life With New Eyes

When I read the stories of Jesus’ life on earth, He so often comes across as walking in clear and simple vision.

When No One Is Wrong: A Response to the Interfaith Movement

“Interfaith dialogue” is a pluralistic attempt to find common ground in the values and goals of various religions. Is this something evangelicals should pursue?

Grandparents sitting with their friends and grandchildren on the porch of their home

The Power of Your Story

Some people love stories as long as they belong to someone else. They are simply too scandalized by their own life and heritage.

Living in Reality

From the simple to the complex, we misinterpret reality more often that we’d like to admit. Sometimes the stakes are small, but when it comes to worldview questions the stakes are high and faulty beliefs can cost us dearly. That’s why living in reality—the topic of this article—is so important.

Train Them Up

Helpful tips for raising godly children.

Faith and Children

Many Christian parents face a paradox: How can some children hear the good news of the Bible and believe, while others hear the same message and remain unaffected? While the process of faith may be miraculous, it is not entirely mysterious. Jesus explained it in His parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-23). Teaching received without …

What Drains Us of Courageous Faith?

Materialism conditions our soul to play life very safe and to be very selfish. By contrast, courage requires an ability to be dangerously unselfish.

Mother and son lovingly touching foreheads with a basket of dyed Easter eggs

Finding Easter in Bunnies and Baskets

The Easter story can be confusing to young children. Use the things popular culture associates with Easter today to teach kids about the real meaning of Easter.

Do your children understand Easter?

Do Your Children Understand Easter?

Help your children grasp and understand the depth and importance of Easter. Use our mini-lessons to teach them certain aspects about Easter.

What’s Your View of the World?

Everyone has a worldview, even those who don’t know they have one. But what is a worldview and does it really make a difference in everyday life? In this article, Dr. Del Tackett explores the concept and significance of “worldview” and its relationship to biblical truth.