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Chris and Julie Reuschel

Chris is a business owner and runs Shine of Kalamazoo – a franchise that provides window cleaning, holiday lighting and much more. He graduated with a degree in education. Julie is a business controller and does all the accounting and bookwork for a women’s boutique in downtown Holland, Michigan. She graduated with a degree in accounting. Together the couple runs, Faith45, which provides Faith Boxes for families filled with items that helped us through our grief. It also provides a mentoring program.  They have two children. To learn more about Chris and Julie, visit

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Forty-Five Minutes With Faith

Chris and Julie Reuschel share their story as young parents carrying a baby that would likely die before she was born. With a diagnosis of Trisomy 13, little Faith stayed in the womb for 37 weeks. The Reuschels experienced forty-five beautiful minutes with living Faith before she passed. Following the birth of their son Elliot, they founded a ministry called Faith45 to help families through pregnancy and infant loss.