
Dave Willis

Dave Willis has been engaged in ministry for the past two decades focusing primarily on issues related to marriage, family relationships, and mental health. Dave and his wife Ashley host the Marriage on the Line Podcast and speak at churches and conferences around the country.  They have authored over a dozen books, including The Naked Marriage, Peace Pirates and Naked and Healthy. Dave and Ashley are college sweethearts who have been married since 2001. They have four sons and live near Augusta, GA where Ashley runs a Biblical counseling practice and Dave serves as a teaching pastor at Stevens Creek Church. Learn more about the Willises at

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Showing Love in Everyday Relationships

Based on his book, The Seven Laws of Love, author Dave Willis urges listeners to strengthen their relationships using Christ’s love as a model. He offers advice for every type of relationship from strengthening your marriage to managing difficult relationships with coworkers.

Dave Willis being interviewed in the Focus on the Family broadcast studio

Teaching Boys to Respect Women

In a discussion based on his book Raising Boys Who Respect Girls, Dave Willis offers parents advice for cultivating within their young sons a healthy respect for others, particularly girls and women.

A young couple smiles at each other while they eat ice cream

Do Your Boys Respect Girls?

Have the courage to talk about sex and respect with your sons.