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Jaime Schreiner


Couple relaxing and talking together at home

Faith Conversation: In All You Say

When we try to follow the call to love unconditionally and reject sinful behavior, we need to watch our words carefully. This devotion will help you and your spouse explore speaking the truth in love.

A married couple sits closely on a sofa enjoying each other’s company

Faith Conversation: Unshakable

If we’re worried about the possibility of losing something, we might be putting too much stock in the wrong things. Here are some questions to ask your spouse to start a conversation about the topic.

New Year, New Perspective

We don’t always notice changes in our spouse, particularly when we’re with him or her day in and day out, but we can be sure that changes are taking place.

The Burden of Responsibility

Seek ways to come alongside and help your spouse, encouraging him or her to remember it is God who gives us the ability to handle shared responsibilities.

Silhouette of a young person wearing a ball cap and standing on a hill raising his arms in front of a sunrise

Authentic Faith

Sometimes we mistakenly judge faith by superficial actions or by adherence to religious traditions. But when our faith is truly growing, the fruit of the Spirit will be evident in our lives.

Showing Kindness

When a husband and wife are getting to know each other, the special kindness they show each other comes easily. But as the years pass, that kindness often falls by the wayside.

Seeking Unity

Facing issues with a humble and gentle spirit is sometimes the only way to bring true peace. Unity develops when both spouses see the issue in the same light through the guidance of the Spirit.