A baby's life depends on you.

Today, an expectant mother faces a life-and-death decision. Will you help save her baby’s life? Double your gift to help save babies from abortion through a $1.1 Million Match Opportunity!

Save a child's life

Rescue 2x the babies from abortion!

Yes, I will save TWICE the babies!
Karen Wingate

Karen Wingate

Author, speaker, and ministry worker Karen Wingate tells the story in her award-winning
book, With Fresh Eyes, of how she grew up labeled legally blind, how, at age 55, she received
the gift of improved eyesight she had never experienced before, and how all of us can see God in
new ways if we pay attention to His creation and His work as if we are seeing it for the first time. Karen and her husband, Jack, have two daughters as well as two grandchildren.

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Seeing Life with New Vision

Born legally blind, Karen Wingate saw her life from what she would describe as “an industrial-strength shower curtain”. Karen lived her life without sight as a wife and a mom until, at fifty-five years old, she went into surgery and came out with her vision miraculously restored! She explains how she started to view God, creation, and her own life differently in light of the miracle happening in her life.