A baby's life depends on you.

Today, an expectant mother faces a life-and-death decision. Will you help save her baby’s life? Double your gift to help save babies from abortion through a $1.1 Million Match Opportunity!

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July 6, 2021

Consider it Pure Joy

As a parent it's easy to feel tired by the constant demands of raising kids. John and Danny offer some hope and encouragement to exhausted parents. Featuring Amber Lea and Wendy Speake.

Original Air Date: July 6, 2021

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Triggers: Exchanging Parents' Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses

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Promotional image for Focus on the Family broadcast "Better Ways to Communicate With Your Spouse"

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Promotional image for Focus on the Family broadcast "Better Ways to Communicate With Your Spouse"

Better Ways to Communicate With Your Spouse

In a discussion based his book With These Words, Pastor Rob Flood and his wife, Gina, offer insights on several key communication skills that have healed and revolutionized their once-troubled marriage.

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