During this time of the year, our culture floats various definitions and examples of love towards our children. Use these activities and ideas to create a meaningful Valentine’s Day for your whole family.
Sadly, reverence for the elderly is sometimes in short supply in today’s youth-oriented culture but they have the most to contribute.
The news can often terrify children. As a parent, you can help your kids sort through news stories they might see on TV.
When connecting with your newborn isn’t your natural response
Would you feel guilty if your spouse bonded more easily with your newborn than you did?
Using the brief overview of the five key elements of the blessing, you can create life-changing moments for your family.
Learning that your teenage daughter is having sex can likely leave you with more questions than answers. Following the initial wave of emotions and panic, you might ask yourself: How did I not know about this? What do I do now?
To answer the question: Why does God allow suffering?, you and your children will need some logic, communication, and patience, as well as an understanding of God’s wisdom and the Bible.
Talking to your daughter through the years about her worth, identity, and beauty requires your consistent compassion and investment. Learn more about how to maintain these conversations throughout each age and stage of her life.
Empower your tween to respond gracefully when confronted by “mean girls” and seek adult help if she finds herself being bullied.
Help your children understand the true meaning of courage.
As grandparents, we have the unique opportunity to lead our grandchildren towards Jesus through our actions, thoughts, and example.
Explore Jim Daly’s encouragement to fathers for Father’s Day 2022. Then, think about how your family can make the most of Father’s Day.
God’s Word clearly indicates that fathers bring power to the parenting relationship.
Learning Bible verses can feel daunting. How do you start and what verses should you choose? A list of 25 Bible verses for kids to memorize and suggestions on how to make it fun can get you and your family started.
When adult children reject the faith, questions arise from the emotions and doubt. Learn how to commit to loving your kids in this situation.
What do you do when your adult children don’t make the choices you wish they had?
Most parents love their children. However, many children don’t feel loved. Perhaps parents aren’t “speaking” their child’s primary love language.
A mother’s love needs to be given unconditionally to establish trust and a firm foundation of emotional intimacy in a child’s life.
Kintsugi is the art of repairing something that has been broken with gold, with the understanding that the object is more beautiful because it has been broken. Like the art of kintsugi, God repairs the brokenness in our lives and makes us more beautiful through the process.