

How does a parent respond when their teen daughter is having sex

What to Do if Your Teenage Daughter is Having Sex

Learning that your teenage daughter is having sex can likely leave you with more questions than answers. Following the initial wave of emotions and panic, you might ask yourself: How did I not know about this? What do I do now?

strong willed child

Strong-Willed Women Mothering Strong-Willed Children

If you’re a strong-willed woman, it can be tough to parent a younger version of yourself. But you also have a definite advantage… you know what it’s like to be a strong-willed child.

Family Estrangement: 6 Ways to Reconcile with Adult Children

You can move forward after a rift with your adult children by learning new ways to build trust and respect between you and your child.

Child dealing with bullying as two big boys pick on him

Dealing with Bullying and Childhood Trauma

Many adults carry some kind of psychological hurt from their childhood years.

sibling rivalry is hard. This little boy is crying because his big brother is taking away his toy train

Stop Sibling Conflict

By working with our kids, we can keep sibling conflict from escalating and keep peace on the family horizon.

Learning styles matter. Little boy in a blue long sleeved shirt struggling over his homework.

Learning Styles: Different Kinds of Smart

Recognize the differences in how your children learn.

a pregnant teenager, young girl holding a pregnancy test in one hand, her other hand is over her mouth in fear of the results.

Loving Your Pregnant Teenager

Parenting your pregnant teen is a whole new level of motherhood. It can also be a deepening of your relationship.

A jaw-dropped teen looks astonished with sexual attraction to something he has seen

Sexual Attraction: Guiding Your Son to Respond Well

Has your son recently discovered that his reaction to girls is changing? Sexual attraction is normal. Here’s how you can help your son make sense of what is happening and guide him to respond well.

mom and tween daughter sitting on a bed talking

Six Ways to Build Your Teen’s Identity

Try these strategies to counteract culture by helping your teen develop a strong, positive identity.

Please and thank you wall

The Secret of Gratitude

The work of Christ in our lives is just plain bigger than our circumstances

Helping your kids have a positive mindset

Helping Our Kids Grow and Keep a Positive Mindset

Today’s kids face new challenges and ask questions our kids didn’t have to two decades ago. But God has provided every answer and truth to help them have a positive mindset and turn adversity into an adventure.

Father hugging his adult son, who is deconstructing his Christian faith

What to do When Your Adult Child Is Deconstructing Their Faith

When your adult child has rejected the faith he or she was raised in, as a parent it’s easy to feel helpless.

Three boys on cellphones sitting on the couch

What Age Should My Kid Get a Cell Phone?

The purpose for having a phone contract is to make sure everyone in the family is on the same page and in agreement with cell phone expectations. The goals are to encourage relationship, conversation, and responsibility with and without devices.

Serious teen girl looking away toward a window as she sits on her bed

How to Engage a Teen Wrestling With Faith

Has your teen decided to “give up the faith”? Get insight into how parents can engage with their prodigals.

boys emotions. sad young boy sitting in a window

Navigating the Depth of Boys’ Emotions

Teaching boys to embrace, and name their emotions, is an important part of raising godly young men.

Mom hugging grateful teenaged daughter

The One Thing Your Teen Needs From You

It’s often the hardest to give your teens what they need the most. Letting go and giving greater independence to your kids as they grow

Grandfather and grandson. Building deep connection with grandparents playing together.

Building a Deeper Connection Between Kids and Their Grandparents

How my family fostered a deeper connection between our kids and their grandparents

Silhouette of a man sitting on a dock looking out over a lake at sunset

Transgender Resources

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able …

the sexualization of children, tween posing

Sexy Too Soon: The Sexualization of Girls

The battle against the sexualization of our children can only be won if we as parents recognize where the battle ground begins.

Mom and teen daughter seated at a table having a serious talk

How to Talk to a Reluctant Teen

Six ideas for starting conversations with reluctant teens