
Embracing Hope After a Miscarriage

We want to help you embrace hope as you do the hard work of grieving in the painful aftermath of miscarriage.

If you’ve had a miscarriage, you are not alone in your grief.

In the United States, it is estimated that 15 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. Even so, you may feel alone and may carry your grief in silence.

We want to help you embrace hope as you do the hard work of grieving in the painful aftermath of miscarriage. Grief takes time. Healing is a process. Give yourself the space and grace you need to mourn.

May the words that follow offer comfort, encouragement and practical help.

Common Reactions to Miscarriage

Anger. Sadness and depression. These feelings are normal after a miscarriage, but you may also experience:

  • Confusion. You may be questioning the cause of the miscarriage. You may also be wondering who, what, or whether to tell others. The painful grief of miscarriage is just as heartbreaking as the loss of a full-term baby. However, people often fail to reach out and give the same comfort and support or they may expect the mother to recover quickly and “try again,” and that can deepen your pain and confusion.
  • Jealousy. The mere sight of a pregnant woman may cause feelings of envy. You may experience jealousy of close friends or family members who are expecting, even while simultaneously feeling genuine happiness for them.
  • Guilt. It is typical to wonder if you did something to cause the miscarriage or if there are thing you could’ve done differently while pregnant. Often, there is no explanation for miscarriage.
  • Failure. As a mother and as a woman. You may experience negative feelings about your body “failing” to carry this child to term.
  • Questioning God. You may feel as though God is distant, doesn’t care, or question why He allowed such a painful experience to occur. While we don’t know all the answers to these questions, we know that in the same way your heart hurts for your baby, God’s heart hurts for you. He will see you through this loss and give you hope again.

The painful grief of miscarriage is just as heartbreaking as the loss of a full-term baby.

When the Pregnancy Was Unexpected

Whether or not the pregnancy was intended, the experience of miscarriage is painful. If you’ve experienced miscarriage after an unplanned pregnancy, you may be wrestling with some additional thoughts or questions, such as:  

  • Is this punishment … … for sin in my life?
    … for the circumstances of my pregnancy?
    … for past mistakes?
  • Did my negative thoughts about the pregnancy cause this to happen?
  • In a way I am relieved, yet I feel terribly guilty. Does this make me a horrible person?

You are not alone in these thoughts and questions. Even women who were actively trying to get pregnant struggle with similar concerns as they search to make meaning out of something so senseless. Your questions and feelings are quite normal and you are not a terrible person for questioning God or yourself or for pondering these tough thoughts as you process your pain.

Whatever the situation, you can rest in the assurance of God’s unconditional love for you and for your baby lost through miscarriage. Psalm 139 tells of God’s intimate knowledge of each and every one of us, with verse 16 affirming that He knows the number of our days, before even one of them begins.

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. (Psalm 139:16)

If you need further guidance and encouragement, Focus on the Family has a staff of licensed, professional Christian counselors available to talk with you at no charge. Just call 800-A-FAMILY (232-6459) 

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